Plumas Lake, CA is on the US State Department list of cities that have already received Syrian refugees

Unless the US State Department has made an error in reporting its own data. This popped up in my alerts just now from the Appeal-Democrat. The editor must be referring to a blog post here at RRW and he tells us that we are wrong. Here is the editor: Syrian refugees in our neghborhood? Not … Continue reading Plumas Lake, CA is on the US State Department list of cities that have already received Syrian refugees

Ben Carson: Put Americans first, not Syrian refugees

Echoing the comments we heard yesterday from the Trump campaign, 2016 Presidential candidate Ben Carson, said also yesterday—Put Americans first! Oh, and by the way, Carson’s comment on Sunday that a Muslim should not be President of the US has actually raised his percentage points in one new poll I saw last evening (he is still … Continue reading Ben Carson: Put Americans first, not Syrian refugees

Trump: NO Syrian refugees, take care of Americans first!

I missed this one yesterday, but the ever-watchful Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily spotted it.  Trump’s campaign manager made clear Mr. Trump’s position on the Syrian ‘refugee’ issue and the broader issue of refugee resettlement to America.   The spokesman alluded to the abuse of the word ‘refugee’ which might escape the average listener’s … Continue reading Trump: NO Syrian refugees, take care of Americans first!

Will your town/city get Syrian refugees? Have you gotten them already?

Yesterday, someone sent me a link to a news story that reported that some small town in Michigan was going to ‘welcome’ 4,500 Syrians in the coming year.  Sounded preposterous to me, but it did spur me on to do something I’ve wanted to do for the last week and that is find out exactly … Continue reading Will your town/city get Syrian refugees? Have you gotten them already?

Canada to take 10,000 Syrian refugees, but not necessarily UN-chosen ones!

Back in December 2014, Canada said they would accept Christian (and other minority) Syrians over Muslims and all hell broke loose.  They were beaten over the head in the media by the human rights industrial complex.  So, I’m wondering if this proposed new policy on Syrian refugees does the same thing by loosening Canada’s apron … Continue reading Canada to take 10,000 Syrian refugees, but not necessarily UN-chosen ones!