Uruguay: Syrian refugees have (already) worn out their welcome

They complain that the government isn’t giving them enough stuff and they want to move on to more ‘welcoming’ countries. We’ve reported on trouble in Uruguay previously here. Now this! From the Associated Press (at ABC NEWS): When Uruguay announced last year that it would be taking in five families fleeing Syria’s devastating civil war, … Continue reading Uruguay: Syrian refugees have (already) worn out their welcome

ACT for America launches citizen action campaign urging 18 mayors to re-think their demand for more Syrian refugees

We reported on the letter that 18 US mayors sent to President Obama here in which they told the President that 10,000 mostly Muslim Syrians for fiscal year 2016 (that began October 1) is too few.  They want 100,000! ACT for America is calling on its members and supporters to send letters to the 18. … Continue reading ACT for America launches citizen action campaign urging 18 mayors to re-think their demand for more Syrian refugees

Allentown, PA a "first tier" city to get mostly Muslim Syrian refugees

Meeting tomorrow in Allentown! Update October 16th:  Local Tea Party showed up and asked questions, here. Sorry I have to repeat over and over again that the vast majority of the Syrians the US is admitting to the country are Muslims (97%) because many people simply assume we (and these supposedly Christian charities) are helping … Continue reading Allentown, PA a "first tier" city to get mostly Muslim Syrian refugees

SC Senator Lindsey Graham advances bill to bring in MORE Syrian refugees, more quickly

Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, is also a contender for the Republican nomination for President.  He joins Far Left Senator Patrick Leahy in his efforts to get the Syrians in here faster. Every time I see Graham, a proud member of the Gang of Eight on amnesty two years ago, I wonder whether Graham … Continue reading SC Senator Lindsey Graham advances bill to bring in MORE Syrian refugees, more quickly

Pittsburgh letter writer: Mayor is wrong to invite Syrian refugees to city

Last week we told you about how important it is to write Letters to the Editor on the refugee colonization plans for your towns and cities. We posted a couple of sample letters here and here. We also told you about Pittsburgh’s mayor (among 18 mayors) telling Obama to send some their way. Let’s see … Continue reading Pittsburgh letter writer: Mayor is wrong to invite Syrian refugees to city