Clarion Project: 13% of Syrian refugees support ISIS

This should be no surprise! From The Clarion Project (Hat tip: Diana): A poll published in November 2014 by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies found that 13% of Syrian refugees have positive feelings towards the Islamic State terrorist group. The data should raise questions about the risks posed by the acceptance of … Continue reading Clarion Project: 13% of Syrian refugees support ISIS

Oklahoma Senator wants assurances no terrorists will get in with Syrian refugees

And, once again we have the local CAIR chapter assuring us that Syrian Muslim refugees won’t be terrorists!  However, the FBI Director testified in Congress recently that the US cannot properly screen Syrian refugees. CAIR and the Catholics (and Jews) know better! From NewsOK: An Oklahoma congressman [they must mean Senator—ed] is urging the federal … Continue reading Oklahoma Senator wants assurances no terrorists will get in with Syrian refugees

Canada ramping-up for challenge of extensive mental health needs of Syrian refugees

Since we are on the subject of the costly health needs of Syrian refugees (Netherlands in previous post), here is some news about how Canadian mental health providers are getting ready for the huge influx of mostly Syrian Muslims expected to be settled from coast to coast in the coming year. From Doctors in … Continue reading Canada ramping-up for challenge of extensive mental health needs of Syrian refugees

Libertarian/Muslim groups urge private sponsorship of Syrian refugees in US

Before I give you this latest turn of events reported by the Huffington Post’s Elise Foley*** let me say that we have advocated that if US citizens want to welcome impoverished third worlders that the refugees should be privately sponsored by churches, synagogues or other civic organizations or wealthy individuals—and I mean completely sponsored for … Continue reading Libertarian/Muslim groups urge private sponsorship of Syrian refugees in US

FBI Director James Comey says it again: They cannot screen Syrian refugees entering the US

This time he says it before the House Homeland Security Committee in a hearing yesterday, here. Which reminds me—whatever happened to the House Judiciary Committee hearing oversight hearing on the Refugee Admissions Program that had been planned for a couple of weeks ago and abruptly postponed.  Did they chicken out? Or are they now waiting for … Continue reading FBI Director James Comey says it again: They cannot screen Syrian refugees entering the US