Reminder: House hearing on Syrian refugees tomorrow at 9 a.m.

The House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security had previously scheduled this hearing before all hell broke loose with the ISIS terror attack in Paris and the subsequent political explosion here in the US about the Obama plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees across the country before the end of September 2016. Go … Continue reading Reminder: House hearing on Syrian refugees tomorrow at 9 a.m.

AP (After Paris) two Governors say don't send Syrian refugees to my state

….and a third, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, wants answers from the federal government. I had hoped to spend a lot of time this morning writing about the Governors, but unfortunately I have other duties today (of all days) that will keep me from posting all of the breaking news that is coming to us in … Continue reading AP (After Paris) two Governors say don't send Syrian refugees to my state

Breaking news: Michigan Gov. now says "no thanks" to Syrian refugees

Drudge is reporting the news late this afternoon…. Will the dominoes begin to fall?  Will other Governors demand a halt to Obama’s misguided plan to bring in 10,000 Syrians that the FBI says cannot be vetted? And, funny coincidence I just a few minutes ago got off a radio interview in Michigan, but neither the … Continue reading Breaking news: Michigan Gov. now says "no thanks" to Syrian refugees

Carson and Cruz, first Presidential candidates to speak out on Paris slaughter—say no Syrian refugees to America

There may be others by now, but here is the first story I’m seeing before dawn today reporting on reactions by US Presidential candidates.  ***Update*** Here is a story at Breitbart that must have been posted before terror erupted in Paris last night—see where the Presidential candidates were yesterday afternoon BP (before Paris).  Bush, Kasich … Continue reading Carson and Cruz, first Presidential candidates to speak out on Paris slaughter—say no Syrian refugees to America

In Atlantic City, NJ, owner of shuttered casino says he would house Syrian refugees

There is money in ‘them thar’ refugees!  Throughout Europe there are stories of developers and others in the real estate business who see dollar signs (well Euros, where they live) as the migrants pour in, but this is the first time we are seeing a developer here in America look to overtly cash in on … Continue reading In Atlantic City, NJ, owner of shuttered casino says he would house Syrian refugees