Daily Kos a paper tiger! Most respondents say "too dangerous" to admit Syrian refugees

Yesterday I told you about the childish Daily Kos post promoting the idea that we should admit 2 million Syrians to the US (all those who want to come here!).  And, I told you to vote in the poll at the end. Here are the polling questions (screen shot this morning) and the tally!  Note … Continue reading Daily Kos a paper tiger! Most respondents say "too dangerous" to admit Syrian refugees

Canada: Military thrown out of barracks to make room for Syrian refugees

The new hard Left Canadian government is hell-bent on bringing in 25,000 Syrians in a little over a month.  Apparently unable to find housing for them, they will be housed in military barracks across Canada. From CTV News: Soldiers and military personnel at a Kingston, Ont. base are being asked to clear their barracks to … Continue reading Canada: Military thrown out of barracks to make room for Syrian refugees