Canadian Imam prays with Syrian refugees, asks Allah to destroy enemies of Islam

….and he loves Justin Trudeau! For new readers, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promises to resettle tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims in coming weeks, months and years. From CIJ News: Alberta Islamic Welfare Association hosted on Family Day (February 5, 2016) Syrian refugees and their families for a social gathering with members of the … Continue reading Canadian Imam prays with Syrian refugees, asks Allah to destroy enemies of Islam

Syrian refugees will need lots of mental health treatment in America

…..and you, the US taxpayer, will be paying for it! (or else!) An estimated 1000-2000 of the coming 10,000 Syrians could need (costly!) mental health treatment! Here is the AP story at ABC News (emphasis is mine): For the thousands of Syrian refugees expected to arrive in the U.S. in coming months, the first order of … Continue reading Syrian refugees will need lots of mental health treatment in America

Syrian refugees only trickling in; slow pace must be a question of security

In September of last year the Obama Administration announced that the US would take in 10,000 Syrian refugees in the 2016 fiscal year.  This fiscal year runs from October 1, 2015 until September 30, 2016. That decision touched off a firestorm of opposition from governors and grassroots citizens concerned about security in the wake of … Continue reading Syrian refugees only trickling in; slow pace must be a question of security

Kansas governor on Syrian refugees….

I thought I would have more time this morning, but alas, I do not. Please see my post at American Resistance 2016! about Kansas Governor Sam Brownback’s new position on Syrian refugees. See also, conservative icon Phyliss Schlafly:  Trump is only one who can save America, because this election is all about immigration!

Germany: New Years Eve sexual assaults much worse than previously reported; involved Syrian refugees

Invasion of Europe news….. The news is slowly coming out about the horrific events of one week ago as New Years revelers in Cologne, Germany were assaulted by 1,000 men of “immigrant backgrounds.”  Our first story on the events of that evening is here (Merkel: Don’t blame refugees). Who hushed all this up (we know … Continue reading Germany: New Years Eve sexual assaults much worse than previously reported; involved Syrian refugees