Gov. Walker: We don't need more Syrian refugees, we need to deal with ISIS

2016 Presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker just jumped to number one in my list of candidates talking with sanity in the face of the huge public relations and propaganda campaign on-going to bring in more Syrian Muslims (yes, 95% so far since 2012 are Muslims) to live in your town or city.   And, as much as it pains me to think about more US military involvement in the Middle East, ISIS must be destroyed.  Trump, so far, has been doing squishy talk on the Syrian refugees.
Here is Walker quoted in The Hill (thanks to a reader):

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Wednesday said he opposes the U.S. opening its borders to take in more refugees from Syria.

“No, we shouldn’t be taking on any more Syrian refugees right now,” he said at the Governor’s Small Business Summit in Eau Claire, Wis., according to Wisconsin Public Radio.

“In the last year, America has received almost 70,000 refugees, of which nearly 2,000 are from Syria,” the 2016 GOP presidential candidate said. “We’ve spent something like $4 billion in humanitarian relief in terms of helping the situation in Syria.”

“So, we’re doing more than any country in the world and it’s got to be clear that the problem that has to be addressed is not the refugee issue that’s a symptom, the real problem is this administration fails to deal with taking on ISIS,” added Walker.

I’ve said before, I’m a one issue voter who believes that what we do about immigration of all kinds right now will determine if the America we know and love, lives or dies.

Reminder!  Obama will be sending his annual Determination Letter to Congress this month (the new fiscal year begins October first) and refugee law requires a “consultation” with Congress.  Since Congress has rarely (if ever) consulted before (they just rubber stamp what the President wants), I’m not sure exactly what that entails, but I am thinking that the House and Senate Judiciary Committees (or at least the immigration subcommittees) could, at minimum, call for hearings on the Obama FY2016 refugee plan.
I believe that Obama will call for a dramatically increased number of Syrians (perhaps to please the Pope when he arrives later this month)—resettlement contractors want 65,000-100,000 admitted before Obama leaves office—and the public should have an opportunity to speak!

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