Stealth Invasion author: Trump must fight on refugee issue as he did on climate 'deal'

Our friend Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us what he thinks of the Trump Administration’s weakness on the refugee issue. From WND.  Read it all, but here is the wrap-up: Hohmann does not believe Trump is taking the refugee resettlement issue seriously enough. The veteran journalist warned in his book there is a … Continue reading Stealth Invasion author: Trump must fight on refugee issue as he did on climate 'deal'

Eastern European countries join forces! Refuse to take refugees Brussels is pushing on them

Invasion of Europe news…. Europe is in the mess it is in because leaders in Brussels did not have the will to stop the migration from the Middle East and North Africa in its earliest days.  It would have only taken a few boats being turned back to the African coast and to the Turkish … Continue reading Eastern European countries join forces! Refuse to take refugees Brussels is pushing on them

European nationalists meet: European migration policy a daily disaster

Invasion of Europe news….. Obviously timed to follow the Inauguration of Donald Trump, nationalist leaders from five European countries met in Koblenz, Germany today to declare a new day for Europe.   Representatives from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Austria declared that a “patriotic spring” was on the horizon for 2017. From AP (emphasis … Continue reading European nationalists meet: European migration policy a daily disaster

UN organization distributes 10,000 more illegal migrants throughout Europe

Invasion of Europe news…… Update: See how a German teen outsmarts a would-be ‘refugee’ rapist. Sort of related to this story, but I had such a good laugh I wanted to share it right away. Click here. We need to be paying more attention to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) which previously, although funded … Continue reading UN organization distributes 10,000 more illegal migrants throughout Europe

IOM: Mediterranean migrant ships won't stop until Europe finds ways to let them come legally

Invasion of Europe News…. Sheesh! The International Organization for Migration (IOM) yesterday said, don’t stop the boats and the boat people from Africa and the Middle East, find ways for them to migrate legally to Europe. (See former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott tell the Europeans to turn back the boats, here.) The IOM was … Continue reading IOM: Mediterranean migrant ships won't stop until Europe finds ways to let them come legally