Vijay Kumar: An immigrant to be proud of!

I don’t have time to give this post the time it deserves, but please go to New English Review and read about Vijay Kumar an Indian immigrant running for Congress —the district includes multicultural mecca Nashville, TN!  Here is one of the many encouraging things author Rebecca Bynum says about Mr. Kumar:

A major issue for Kumar is the revival of America’s melting pot standard of integration. Coming from the ultimate multicultural society in India, where many languages are spoken, Kumar sees this as detrimental to cultural cohesion and societal health. He calls for English to be instituted as the official language of the United States and for full assimilation to again be the ultimate goal of immigrants. He is also a strong opponent of illegal immigration and worries about the depression of wages for America’s poor. But more importantly, he worries about preserving American culture and national identity.

Iraqi refugees: pow-wow of bigwig advocates this week in DC

Update April 3, 2008:   Here is link for the program tomorrow.   And, also read this excellent discussion of the Refugee Resettlement program at Frontpage magazine where national refugee expert, Don Barnett,  discusses reforms proposed by David Martin and others.

The Matthew J. Ryan Public Policy Forum will bring together on Friday in Washington, DC a group of important people to discuss how bad the US has been about helping Iraqi refugees.   No, they don’t actually say that last part,  but you can tell by the line-up of speakers and the questions they plan to address that this will hardly be the “bipartisan” forum organizers claim.

Here are the questions they plan to address:

More than two million people have fled Iraq and hundreds of thousands more are internally displaced within Iraq. Who are the refugees? Why are they fleeing? What is their status under the law? What conditions and obstacles are the refugees facing in host countries? What ethical and moral considerations are posed by the refugee flow? What are the ramifications of the flow? What challenges does the refugee flow present to neighboring countries and to relations in the Middle East? What has the United States government done to offer refugees protection? What role should the United States and other countries play in the refugee crisis?

Notice there isn’t one question involving national security or the difficulties Christians face due to real persecution by Muslim extremists.   In the list of speakers there isn’t one from Homeland Security, nor a single speaker like Congressman Rohrabacher who would question a wholesale airlift of tens of thousands of Iraqis to America if one should be proposed. 

The list includes Ambassadors from Syria and Jordan.  Do you think anyone will ask the Syrian ambassador what his country could do to help stablize Iraq so the refugees could go home?  Or, do you think he will just be there with a hand out looking for US taxpayers to send some cool millions to Syria.

Human Rights Watch, which plans a big lobbying campaign on Iraqi refugees in mid-April, will be there.    Then there are friendly reporters (where is Matthew Lee?) and pro bono lawyers who have been running back and forth to the Middle East to work their legal magic, and of course the volags who need a flow of refugees to keep collecting their government-funded salaries.

Another speaker is David Martin, Warner-Booker Distinguished Professor of International Law, University of Virginia School of Law.  I’ve been meaning for some time to direct you to his work “United States Refugee Admissions Program: Reforms for a new era of refugee resettlement”  in which he lays out his ideas for reforming refugee resettlement.   It’s all about bringing more refugees, sooner, faster and with less security screening.  

Martin wants to do away with the concept of a ceiling for refugee admissions and turn that number into a goal that would be mandated.   And, his really scary proposal is to open refugee resettlement to whole classes of people (hankering for the glory days of Vietnamese masses flowing here) and doing away with any requirement for individuals to have to prove they are persecuted.    In other words, someone could just say “I am an Iraqi” and it would be understood they were persecuted and would be allowed to enter the US. 

Professor Martin never addresses reforms that involve impacts of refugee resettlement on communities in America; he doesn’t address reforms of the system that allows volags to collect government money and not take good care of the refugees they are paid to care for.  Not once does he address whether there are certain cultures that are not going to assimilate well into American society.   He never discusses whether refugee resettlement is an employment service for big businesses in America that serves to keep wages low for all workers.  And, of course, he never once addresses whether the lack of oversight by the State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement allows taxpayer money to be wasted and occasionally stolen.

So, what do you think this auspicious gathering will conclude?

This is how it works, how regular American citizens have so little say in momentous decisions in Washington.   These groups, often extensively funded by taxpayers and left-leaning foundations get a publicity campaign going by getting news stories planted with the help of friendly reporters in the mainstream media.  This softening up of the public has been going on for months and months now.  

Then they have events like this one on Friday.   They already know what they will conclude because Human Rights Watch has its lobbying campaign set to begin about 10 days later.   They will move Congress to act and before you know it our doors will be flung open because anyone who has questions, or thinks we need to go slow has no organized campaign to counter balance them. 

We have 118 posts in our Iraqi refugee category for new ambitious readers!

Refugee murders in Boise, ID still a mystery

This is one complicated story in the Idaho Statesman.  The gist of it is:  two Uzbek refugees (from a government crackdown in the Andijan region of Uzbekistan)  living in Boise, ages 29 and 33 died exactly one month apart in 2006.  The cause of death is still unknown.   In the wake of their mysterious deaths, others in their refugee community have packed up and returned to Uzbekistan. 

Refugee resettlement agencies aren’t saying much, and the FBI says it has not been involved (even though it appears it may have been).

Boise’s two mysterious deaths have been discussed at the United Nations, may have attracted the attention of the FBI (though adding to the intrigue, the agency denies it), and could have helped spur a wave of refugee returns that experts say is almost unprecedented.


Around the time the two men died, Uzbek refugees living in the U.S. and other countries began returning to their homeland amid allegations the Uzbek authorities were pressuring them to come back. The most recent wave included several refugees from Boise who left this month, even as the U.S. State Department added Uzbekistan to its list of the top 10 violators of human rights.


Now, almost two years after the deaths, most of the refugees and even the local people who work with them still refuse to talk about what could have happened to the two men.


Of the 250 Andijan refugees who spent more than a year in refugee camps in Kyrgyzstan and Romania before being relocated to the U.S., between one-third and one-half have since returned to the country from which they fled.


The first group, 12 refugees in Arizona, left in July 2006. The most recent group, about a dozen refugees, left Boise earlier this month.


The refugees’ return to Uzbekistan has some human rights and refugee organizations baffled – and wondering whether the country was indeed pressuring its citizens to return.


“It is extremely rare, in my experience the idea or situation of a group returning en masse, together is unprecedented,” said Jan Reeves, director of the Idaho Office for Refugees, who has worked with thousands of refugees over 20 years.

By the way,  the government of Uzbekistan claims it was putting down an uprising of Islamic extremists in Andijan, a claim which is disputed by human rights workers. 

This is a very confusing story for many reasons.  One thing that makes no sense is why would a government go to such extremes to bring a few emigres back to Uzbekistan.   

I also wonder why the refugee agency involved is being so silent, you would think they would want to help solve the mysterious deaths of refugees they helped resettle.

I wrote previously about Boise here and here.   Something smells fishy in Boise.

Your state: I’m working on it!

I’ve been so lazy about trying to get more information up on our “Your state” page (at the top of RRW).  Yesterday I had a request for some basic information about Washington state.   I discovered that not only did I not have any information at my fingertips, I had forgotten to even list Washington in the state list!

Embarrassed, I put up a few things on Washington state this morning.   I will try to do something each day on a state (if nothing else too exciting distracts me!).    

April Fools Day, Refugee program turns 28

The Refugee Act of 1980 that set in motion the Refugee Resettlement program as we know it today was enacted in March 1980, signed into law by President Jimmy Carter, and went into effect on April 1, 1980.

Here is the list of Senators responsible, in case you want to thank those who are still around:

Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) chief sponsor


Sen. Jos. Biden (DE)

Sen. Mark Hatfield (OR)

Sen. Carl Levin (MI)

Sen. Daniel Moynihan (NY)

Sen. Randolph Jennings (WV)

Sen. Donald Riegle (MI)

Sen. Paul Tsongas (MA)

Sen. Rudy Boschwitz (MN)

Sen. Jacob Javits (NY)

Sen. George McGovern (SD)

Sen. Claiborn Pell (RI)

Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (CT)

Sen. Paul Sarbanes (MD)

Sen. Harrison Williams (NJ)

One thing that has always interested me is that although Senators from WV and DE promoted this legislation, both of those states have taken less than 1000 refugees in 28 years, while others states have taken tens of thousands.  

Go here and check out the table.  Note that DE has taken 747, WV 404, and contrast that to MD 30,777.  I guess Maryland is just more “welcoming” to all immigrants (legal and illegal).