House Committee hearing held to smack around the Bush Administration

So what else is new!   The House Foreign Affairs Committee titled its hearing on Iraqi refugees,  “Neglected responsibilities, blah, blah, blah.”   No not really, but it was all about neglect according to this account put out by Talk Radio News Service.  The hearing focused on the refugee industry mantra about how Pres. Bush is not doing enough for Iraqi displaced persons.   Not a word seems to have been mentioned that our aid to Iraqi refugees increased from $45 million in 2006 to $200 million proposed for 2008.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) challenged the Chairman with this comment:

……it is not the job of the United States to subsidize refugees in Jordan or anywhere else, if they are able to go home. We should do our best, he said, in our ability to help assist them in Iraq.

Then Congressman William Delahunt  (D-MA) came back with this:

They cannot go home, he said, or they’d be killed. Our response should also work to prevent further erosion of how we are viewed in the Middle East. If we are concerned about terrorism, he said, it’s in our national interest to “step up.” If the vast numbers of refugees are not treated with respect, it will be the new “breeding ground” for terrorists.

Anyone out there in Mr. Delahunt’s district who could give him some basic education on Islam and on why the terrorists are terrorists.  Oh, and be sure to tell him that compassionate Sweden is sending Iraqis home.

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