Big bunch of refugees expected in Atlanta

According to this article last week in a Catholic Bulletin, the Atlanta area can expect to receive hundreds more refugees beginning this month, some from Vietnam (Hat tip:  Brenda Walker).  I don’t know why we are again bringing refugees from Vietnam since the country is now described as an “economic powerhouse” in Asia, and Vietnamese can apply to come to the US through normal immigration channels.   The refugee program pays airfare and gives refugees money and a caseworker at taxpayer expense, while normal immigrants must make it on their own.

ATLANTA—Catholic Charities Atlanta is resettling nearly twice as many refugees this year as compared to 2006.


Those who are coming are natives of Burma and Vietnam.


And the increase in refugees is not a one-time event, McBrayer [director of refugee resettlement for Catholic Charities] said.


“We expect next calendar year to be even bigger,” she said.


The Catholic Church operates the largest refugee resettlement program in the country. About 11,250 refugees were welcomed to this country in 2006, the most recent figures available, according to the Migration & Refugee Services office of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Thomas Allen at VDARE asked (and answered) this question last summer,  why Vietnam 30 years after the war?

Judy posted  last week about how well the Vietnamese have done in America, however, this is not 1975 and their country is definitely on the rebound.  The bright energetic reformers should be left in Vietnam now to help rebuild, not brought to America to clean motels or work in factories. 

Jen: Assimilation is out and integration is in

The blogger’s name is Jen and she posts from Fargo, ND.   It’s pretty clear from a quick tour of her blog, Notes from the North Country, that she is a liberal political activist and refugee resettlement supporter.   Go and check out this post entitled “Integration” for a look at her views on refugee resettlement.   I found some of her comments enlightening.  First she tells us that “assimilation” is officially out.   She and the Pittsburgh student we wrote about here are reading from the same refugee lingo book.

Assimilation is no longer an official goal (that was more when we were a melting pot); the latest buzz word in refugee resettlement is “integration.” The number one goal of refugee resettlement is “early economic self-sufficiency.” Put another way, welcome to America! Get a job. Now. Seriously. Right now. And lest you think refugees get special favors, not only do they pay taxes from the get go, they also arrive in the U.S. with a debt: they must repay the U.S. for their air travel here, an interest-free loan.

Well, not exactly on that loan bit,  many don’t ever repay it and the State Department carries hundreds of millions of unpaid debt that they periodically just write-off to make the books look good.

Then she confirms that in the early days, the 1980s, refugees were resettled by individual churches.  Today it involves an assortment of taxpayer funded agencies and actors.    Does she wish it was done in the old way?  It almost sounds like it.

Even in the 1980s, most refugees in the Fargo region (most were Vietnamese) were sponsored by churches. Now there are multiple agencies, committees, and partnerships to serve the needs of refugees and to integrate them into their new society.

Here Jen gives us another look inside the mind of a refugee advocate and it comes back to our theme of recent days—gratitude and whether we (America) owe something to the world.    The Obama/preacher brouhaha has brought this to the forefront in many minds.   The best way to turn off people with whom one wishes to “integrate” is to act as if ones misfortune is all America’s fault, to insist that one is owed something and thus appear ungrateful.   In this passage Jen admits refugees are complaining.   What are they complaining about, the weather, or are the resettlement agencies falling down on the job? 

Some locals in Fargo respond to complaints by saying if newcomers aren’t grateful, then they should go back to their home countries. In most cases, the conflicts in those countries had something to do with wheelings and dealings of the U.S.

Yup, and thus we owe them.

Liberians in Ghana protest against the UN

This story is a bit confusing.  I’ve read several versions of the same story in the refugee resettlement news for the last couple of days and this one is the clearest.   It seems that the UN’s chickens have come home to roost.    The UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees) is attempting to repatriate Liberians from camps they have lived in in countries such as Ghana for as long as 20 years.  

These are just poor people who have been housed and fed for, in some cases, most of their lives.   They don’t face violence if they go home, just poverty, so some 600 women staged a demonstration recently and have been removed from the camp.

ACCRA, Ghana (AFP) – “Ghana is not nice.” That is how Tina Johnson, a 22-year-old Liberian refugee, describes the country that has been her home for around 15 years. “I want to go to Norway or Canada,” she says.


Like Tina, hundreds of other refugees in Ghana want to be resettled anywhere but Liberia.


Dissatisfied with plans by the United Nations refugee agency to repatriate them, they recently staged daily demonstrations outside the gates of the main Buduburam Refugee Camp, about 30 minutes’ drive from Ghana’s capital Accra.


Police intervened Tuesday because of what Nana Obiri Boahene, a minister of state at the interior ministry, described as “anarchic conditions”.


Under the UN plans, they will be given 100 dollars (65 euros) and sent back to war-torn Liberia to start life all over again. The refugees are demanding 1,000 dollars and resettlement in a third country.


“I am not very well educated, when I go to Liberia how will I live?” she asks. “In Norway or Canada, at least I will get a chance.

Wouldn’t you think that as long as the UN is taking care of these people, it might at least teach them a useable trade. 

As long as the UN keeps running these warehousing-type camps and holding out hope that the excess human population will be moved to the West or Australia or New Zealand, there is no incentive for Africa to solve its own problems.   

Iraqi Heavy Metal band looking for refugee status

This blog tells a story that is a change of pace for what we normally write about.  Apparently a Heavy Metal rock band has escaped persecution in Iraq and sought refuge in Turkey, but Turkey, so the post says, does not take refugees from anywhere but the West!   Can you believe it!    A Muslim country does not take its fellow Muslims in from Asia, Africa and the Middle East!   What are they afraid of?  Do they know something we don’t know? 

Is this policy why we took the Meshketian Turks from Russia and Turkey didn’t take them?

In November 2007, the Iraqi metal band Acrassicauda was able to get to Turkey through the help of friends who donated money for them to leave Syria. Their visas in Syria were expiring and the government of Syria was threatening to force all Iraqis to return to Iraq.


Now they are in Turkey and their money and options are running out. Life in Turkey is very expensive and very difficult for people waiting to find out if they can officially be resettled by the UNHCR in another country (Turkey does not accept refugees from anywhere other than the West). As it stands now, they may have to return to Baghdad, simply because they can’t afford to stay in Turkey much longer. It’s impossible to stress just how dangerous this will be for them.

You will find a link to the group’s music here.  

Canada took Rohingyas, are they crazy?

One of the helpful aspects of managing a blog is that one can see what people are searching for that brings them to us.  A couple of people today were searching Rohingyas, Burmese Muslims, and Canada.    So I googled around and found out that Canada did take Rohingyas this time last year, and became the first western country to do so.

Go back and read our previous posts beginning with this one.   And, then go back further to this one.

All I can say is that I guess Canadian government officials who made this decision hadn’t been doing their homework, hadn’t even been reading liberal Time magazine.   Notice to US State Department, no Rohingyas here!

For a group of people living in refugee camps in Southern Bangladesh, the late arrival of the Canadian spring will mean a true fresh start in the spirit of the season. Canada is taking the initiative of opening its doors to a first group of Rohingya refugees living in UN camps in the southern tip of Bangladesh.