Fallout from the knife-wielding Somali refugee incident

We reported to you the other day that a Somali refugee injured two pilots during a flight in New Zealand at the end of last week.   We are happy to report that the pilots are fine and have been released from the hospital.

However, the incident has caused much public debate about refugees generally.  One concern comes from the pro-refugee camp which doesn’t want a backlash to result against the whopping 750 refugees a year that enter New Zealand.    By way of contrast, the US is taking 70,000 this year.

Ethnic Affairs Minister Chris Carter met Somali community members around the country to assure New Zealanders will not judge them. He says some of the people he spoke to at a meeting in Christchurch had been yelled at by youths in a car.

The other issue that came out of the knifing incident is that a recommendation is now being made that all refugees receive mental health screening before entering New Zealand, not to stop their entry, just to find out who will need taxpayer funded mental health treatment.

Refugees will soon be screened for mental health problems before they get to New Zealand in an effort to reduce the chance of “surprises” such as last week’s attempted aircraft hijacking by a Somali woman.

And, finally there will likely be stepped up security for in-country flights.

Pew: Immigration pushing population through the roof

Today the Washington Post reported on the latest study of the impact of immigration on population growth in America.  

The study by the nonpartisan, Washington-based Pew Research Center … found that nearly one in five Americans will be foreign-born in 2050, compared with about one in eight today.


Overall, by 2050 the U.S. population is projected to increase by 47 percent, from 296 million in 2005 to 438 million. Newly arriving immigrants would account for 47 percent of the rise, and their U.S.-born children and grandchildren would represent another 35 percent.

Pat Buchanan has got to be saying, I wonder where I heard this before:

……. the report offers an intriguing picture of the possible long-term effects of the immigration surge that began after 1965, when Congress abolished a quota system that had nearly ended immigration from non-European countries since the 1920s.

The report debunks the notion that us old folks need the young immigrants to take care of us.

Those who oppose allowing immigration to continue at its current pace interpreted the findings as vindication. “These numbers underline the fact that immigration is not a solution to the aging of the population,” said Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors further limits on immigration. “And then we need to ask ourselves if we want the 100 million more people immigration will bring. Do you want 80 million more cars on the road, or 40 million homes occupying what’s now open space?”

As for that last line, where is the Sierra Club when you need them?  This massive environmental freight train is headed our way and they are busy fighting with a few farmers, fishermen or timber producers somewhere.

Evolvingprimate says: Reporter Mosely a bigot

Oh brother, here we go again.   Someone calling themselves ‘evolvingprimate’ says Brian Mosely, author of the lengthy investigation on the Somali refugees that was published in the Times-Gazette of Shelbyville, TN is a bigot.   

It is rarely that some-one gets paid to express their intrinsic hatred and bigotry for others, yet in this day and age, when America, is thought to have moved beyond its centuries old traditions of slavery and racism and towards a more tolerant and diverse society, there still exists people like the Shelbyville Times-Gazette reporter Brian Mosley who make living out of targeting the most vulnerable segments of the our American social fabric.

And here is the deepest cut of all from ‘evolvingprimate’ :

Mr. Mosley has a dark history of being closet-racist and some-one that targets the vulnerable and weak elements in our society to satisfy his inner-orgies of hate and chauvinism.

You know what mamma always said?   “Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you!”  (especially when someone is too chicken to identify themselves, ‘evolvingprimate’ indeed).   Hint to ‘evolvingprimate’— name-calling doesn’t work anymore.

One thing missing in all the hate speech from ‘evolvingprimate’ is any refutation of the facts presented in the Times-Gazette series.  

Mr. Mosely responds here today.    And, this gives us a good opportunity to direct new readers to this excellent interview of Brian Mosely by Jerry Gordon of New English Review recently.

Is this polygamy in New Hampshire?

When I wrote the post the other day on the possibility that some Muslim refugees were polygamous on entering the US, I had in the back of my mind an article I read last summer about Somali Bantu refugees in New Hampshire.  I searched around and found it last night.  It is long and convoluted but worth another read (or two). 

As you read through the Concord Monitor article, you see that “single” Somali women, living on their own with many children are still having babies.  In one case a “friend” named Mohamed Mohamed picks up the “single” woman’s children and takes them to be cared for by his “wife” during the day.     

You can tell the reporter is struggling to get this straight and at one point writes about a 41 year old woman with her new 3-month old baby, she has grown children too, but this is her second to be born in the US with her “husband” Khamis Mohamed Khamis who has “more children with a woman who lives in Manchester.”   

But, all is good because “most are familiar with the complicated network of social service providers.”   Hmmm!

I am not saying this behavior proves that polygamy is being brought to America, it’s just that the story fits anecdotal information we have received.

Muslims practicing polygamy in America too!

Seems like every time we turn around these days there is an article about Muslims practicing polygamy somewhere in the world.  Here is one from DhimmiWatch a couple of days ago about polygamists receiving welfare benefits for the extra wives in Canada.  

But people in the refugee community have reported to us that it is happening here too!  Apparently African Muslim refugees, especially Somalis, are managing to get several wives into the country and are often resettled in the same communities in the US, literally down the street from each other.  The extra wives come as “sisters” and other close relatives and, because as far as the government is concerned they are single women with children, receive welfare benefits as such.

Apparently volag (voluntary agency) workers stay silent presumably because they assume that if the public knew this, it would shed negative light on the program of refugee resettlement generally.   Others who stay silent, I assume, do so because they have muddled morals due to the concept of cultural relativism we have written about before when we discussed female genital mutilation.

We have been told that Somalis tend not to be promiscuous, so if a ‘single’ Somali woman with children continues to have babies chances are she has a ‘husband’ nearby. 

Reform needed:  Refugee resettlement workers need to speak up!   Leaders in the refugee resettlement industry need to start reform now to stop this practice before it blows up as a media story.