Hagerstown MD Refugee Resettlement meeting today, more to come

Refugee Resettlement had been going on in Hagerstown, MD for a few years before it registered on most peoples’ radar screens.   Its a relatively small program run by the Virginia Council of Churches (VCC) as a subcontractor to Church World Services.  You can learn more about it in our Fact sheet (above).

An incident occured in the fall of 2006 when a refugee child of about 12 years of age was found knocking on doors in a pretty bad neighborhood looking for help for a very sick mother.   The authorities were baffled when they didn’t know where this African child came from or understand what the child said.    When the child’s apartment was finally located, emergency responders discovered some extremely sick people, but since no one knew who they were or where they were from, and most importantly what they might have, a panic ensued and the street was closed, a Hazmat team called in. 

It was an embarrassment for Virginia Council of Churches and the Maryland Office for New Americans who wisely decided they needed to coordinate better with local agencies, thus the monthly meetings.   Most of us, including elected officials, were not aware of the meetings until recently.

But, the controversy didn’t end with the Hazmat incident.   A few months ago the local VCC representative made appeals to the Hagerstown City Mayor and Council and to the Washington County Commissioners for $25,000 and $15,000 respectively to help run the refugee program. 

Washington County is a very conservative (red in a blue state!) county.   Irate citizens bombarded the local governments and the Hagerstown Herald Mail with complaints about spending local tax dollars for a federal program. 

To make a long story short, the Refugee Resettlement program is suspended here through the remainder of the fiscal year and VCC will not be participating in the “Bulge” (Post below) here in western Maryland.

Also, at today’s meeting it was determined that there should be a Public Forum, tentatively scheduled for September, at which local citizens can learn details of the Refugee Resettlement program, how it works, who pays for everything,  and how the community could be impacted.

This is the kind of thing that all of you should be insisting on in your cities and towns—open public meetings to discuss the impact of immigrants on your community.   Everyone is entitled to all the facts because only with  facts can citizens truly participate in the democratic process.

US rides to the rescue in Malta

They are lining up around the world to come to America. 

The tiny Mediteranean island nation of Malta is being overrun with illegal immigrants leaving northern and eastern Africa trying to get to the European Union countries to the north.   Like all countries faced with a flood of illegals, Malta’s social services, security, public order and social fabric are strained.  The EU has not been helpful.

But fear not, the US is coming to the rescue.   According to a July 13, 2007 article in the “The Times” of Malta, “Refugees flock to Valletta for chance of move to US.”  

Refugees made it clear yesterday they would gladly leave the island for good as they thronged outside the UN Refugee Agency’s office in Valletta hoping to qualify for the resettlement scheme to the US.

The police had to be called in to disperse the crowd of about 200, who tried to get into the UNHCR’s office in Strait Street, Valletta.

About 200 refugees are to be resettled in the US in a move that is expected to go some way towards easing Malta’s illegal immigration woes. Though the initiative is a one-off, the US government is contemplating taking in 200 immigrants from Malta every year thanks to a proposal steered by the UNHCR.


[note how easily this article interchanges the words refugees and illegal immigrants]

Yes, the UN High Commission on Refugees says jump and since we have so many border crossing illegals of our own we can just start taking other countries  law breakers.   What’s 200 more illegal immigrants here or there anyway? 

Thar’s gold in them thar refugees

 Your tax dollars:

As we have pointed out before, the refugee/immigration issue is awash in big bucks.  Follow the money everyone tells me!  I used to not give much credence to the notion that money is a big motivating thing for people (I can see you laughing now!), but am getting kind of cynical on that point the further I get into this mess!

One of the questions that has arisen lately in the swirling controversy about Refugee Resettlement in Hagerstown, MD is how do the Refugees manage to pay their rent on $9 an hour jobs and then even buy houses?

If you like wading through mortgage talk, check out the two articles below for a better explanation than I can give:

 According to Thomas Allen   http://www.vdare.com/allen/homeownership.htm

… the Mortgage Monsters are allying with another interest group: the immigrant lobby. Immigration is one of the main engines of growth for the giant mortgage lending institutions.

Check out info. on Individual Development Accounts too.   The Office of Refugee Resettlement has established IDA’s for use by their contractors (the 10 major NGO’s — Volags— and their 300 plus subcontractors).  http://gwbweb.wustl.edu/csd/asset/idas.htm

I am wondering if our homegrown poor people are told about these programs? 

If you are concerned about Refugee Resettlement in your town or city, do a little research on this and see just who benefits from these special deals.     

Somalis here, Somalis there, Somalis everywhere

You’ve all heard about the now infamous Maine “Ham Hate Crime ” incident in Lewiston last spring, right? You know, white kid puts ham steak in a bag and places it on the table where Somali Muslim kids are having lunch. Somali kids traumatized for life. Just google ‘ham hate crime’ and you will get pages and pages of stories about this international incident.

The Refugee Resettlement program of the US Government has brought thousands of Somali refugees to the US in the last few years.

Just this week talk radio host Laura Ingraham railed about a California elementary school making special accomodations for 100 Somali students. But no one seems to ask why are all these Somalis here.

This Investor’s Business Daily editorial sparked her discussion. http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=268874251390676

The special accommodations for Carver Elementary’s nearly 100 Somali Muslims don’t stop with organized prayer. The school cafeteria has banned pork and other foods that conflict with the Islamic diet.

And the K-8 school has even added Arabic — the language of the Quran — to its curriculum, while segregating classes for girls, a la the Taliban.


Tough, say Muslim-rights groups. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is defending the Carver program, insists public schools must cater to the growing number of Muslim students. “Our country is transforming demographically, religiously,” said the spokesman for CAIR’s San Diego chapter. “Our country has to now accommodate things that are not traditionally accounted for before.”

Look out Greeley, CO! Hide the Ham Steaks! Due to the influx of Somali and other African Refugees a new Refugee Resettlement Office will open to accomodate refugees coming to Greeley and Ft. Morgan.


Greeley is famous for another Muslim connection:

Greeley’s al-Qaeda connections make headlines around the world

Many people believe you couldn’t have found a more conservative, religious and docile town in America than Greeley in 1949. There were many churches, and no bars or liquor stores allowed in town.

But a six-month stay here in Greeley by an Egyptian student in 1949 made him so angry that he wrote books to express his anti-American diatribe. His name was Sayyid Qutb (SIGH-yid KUH tahb) and he became one of the founders of Islamic terrorism.

Read the rest of this important account of the origins of present day radical Islam here:


Here is a radical idea–deport all Muslims

Today while talking with an educated and thoughtful woman in my county —Washington County, MD—a radical thought occurred to us.   Why not stop all immigration to the United States?   You know, implement a  moratorium!   Give it a rest altogether until something is done about  illegal aliens.   This would give time for those here legally to be  assimilated.   And, then don’t allow any further immigration  until the threat of terrorism has been eliminated.

But,  just when I thought a moratorium on immigration was an over-the-top idea, an Iraqi Muslim Shiite living in the US has a more radical idea: 


Khudayr Taher: Europe and America Should Deport All Muslims – Including Myself

Khudayr Taher, an Iraqi Shi’ite writer living in the U.S. and a regular contributor to the liberal Elaph website, had a quite illiberal suggestion – he asked why Europe and America shouldn’t deport their Muslim populations.


“The legitimate question is this: Since the security services cannot sort out the good immigrant from the bad terrorist… why don’t these countries deport all Muslims, of all races, from Europe and America, and [thus] find rest from the danger of terrorism, and protect their peoples?


“I, as an Arab Muslim immigrant, sincerely call on the countries of Europe and America to deport all Muslims from their territories – including myself, despite my love and my sincere attachment to the U.S…”
