Aunt Zeituni: No dirty tricks, just old-fashioned investigative reporting

Update Nov. 7th:  To get a feel for the mind of the open borders progressives, read this post where the blogger sees Karl Rove behind every bush. The Times (UK) explains how they came to publish a story about Obama’s Aunt Zeituni who is living in a Boston slum as an illegal alien under a deportation order. … Continue reading Aunt Zeituni: No dirty tricks, just old-fashioned investigative reporting

Obama campaign suggests dirty tricks with Aunt Zeituni revelation

Update Nov. 2nd:  No dirty tricks just good investigative journalism here. Update:  Obama says apply the law.  Let’s have an Aunt Zeituni Watch, first one to see her board a plane for Kenya gets a gold star. Oh brother!   The Obama campaign is railing about the news that Auntie Zeituni is an illegal alien here … Continue reading Obama campaign suggests dirty tricks with Aunt Zeituni revelation