David Miliband's IRC to seed Montana with refugees (soon!) US State Dept. gives go ahead

The Mayor, city council and county commissioners of Missoula County Montana have given their blessing to the New York City-based International Rescue Committee headed by former British Foreign Secretary and globalist David Miliband (good friend of both George Soros and Hillary Clinton) to begin the colonization of Montana with third world refugees from the Middle East, … Continue reading David Miliband's IRC to seed Montana with refugees (soon!) US State Dept. gives go ahead

Are Miliband and Albright purposefully misleading the media about numbers of refugees coming to the US?

David Miliband is the former British Foreign Secretary being handsomely paid to head a US refugee resettlement contracting agency and Madeleine Albright was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State, and here they jointly bemoan the state of affairs in the world regarding mostly Muslims from the Middle East wanting to come to American towns and cities … Continue reading Are Miliband and Albright purposefully misleading the media about numbers of refugees coming to the US?

IRC's Miliband: Climate change creating refugees, not a word about the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorism

The hard Lefties like David Miliband, CEO of the largest (in financial terms) of the US refugee resettlement contractors, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), says we need to increase our refugee ceiling for the coming fiscal year from 70,000 to 80,000 (beginning Oct. 1, 2015) to help rescue the hordes of climate refugees on the … Continue reading IRC's Miliband: Climate change creating refugees, not a word about the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorism

WND amplifies the news on Miliband’s demand that Obama admit 65,000 Syrians by the end of his term

World Net Daily reporter, Leo Hohmann, has provided (to a much larger audience than we ever could hope to have) our recent information (here and here) that British former Foreign Secretary David Miliband, now the CEO of the largest (in dollar terms) US refugee resettlement agency, the International Rescue Committee, wants Obama to supply the … Continue reading WND amplifies the news on Miliband’s demand that Obama admit 65,000 Syrians by the end of his term

New York Times slobbers over David Miliband’s arrival in NYC to lead refugee contractor

David Miliband (of course you should know) is the former British foreign secretary who now runs one of our largest refugee resettlement agencies—the International Rescue Committee—and makes a cool $400,000 plus salary doing it.  See our archives for more on the man who was a “celebrity” in the UK, but is virtually unrecognizable in NYC.  … Continue reading New York Times slobbers over David Miliband’s arrival in NYC to lead refugee contractor