IRC's Miliband: Climate change creating refugees, not a word about the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorism

The hard Lefties like David Miliband, CEO of the largest (in financial terms) of the US refugee resettlement contractors, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), says we need to increase our refugee ceiling for the coming fiscal year from 70,000 to 80,000 (beginning Oct. 1, 2015) to help rescue the hordes of climate refugees on the march around the world.

Hillary loves Miliband! See “Big crush”

Embrace political Islam!
To hear him tell it, climate, not Islamic terrorism, is the driver of the wars that are displacing people across the globe. That doesn’t surprise us because in 2013 Miliband said we “must embrace political Islamism.”
Not a word here either that Miliband is the first one to get the ball rolling on Syrian resettlement by asking Obama to admit 65,000 (65,000!) Syrians to the US before Obama leaves office.  The vast majority, of those resettled so far, are Muslims, not the persecuted Christians!
Miliband is the former foreign secretary of the UK and brother to “Red Ed” who took a bashing along with his Labor Party in recent UK elections.  Miliband’s fans include George Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power etc.  (see them welcoming him to NYC here).

This is what Miliband told Reuters (reported here at Business Insider):

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A historic 52 million people are fleeing conflict worldwide, a trend that will intensify over the next two decades because of climate change, International Rescue Committee chief David Miliband said on Friday.

Will climate refugees soon be on the march to your town?

“One of the drivers of displacement and potential conflict over the next 10 to 20 years will be climate (change) – resource scarcity,” said Miliband, a former foreign minister of Great Britain. “Climate change is going to compound the cocktail that’s driving war and displacement.”

Miliband said there were 16 million refugees and 36 million people displaced in their own countries, typically by civil war. That is the largest number of people fleeing persecution since World War Two, he said during a Reuters Newsmaker event in New York.

“Do I think the current level is a blip or a trend?” Miliband said. “I would say it’s a trend.”


Miliband, whose relief and development agency is helping vulnerable people in 35 countries, urged the United States to raise its ceiling for resettling refugees to 80,000 from the current 70,000.

The International Rescue Committee and the other eight resettlement contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees so they are always urging an increase in numbers!
By the way see the Green Left here also on the Climate refugee bandwagon.  It is all about the weather and nothing to do with Islamic supremacists seeking world dominance!

How wealthy is the IRC?

I just had a look at the most recent Form 990(2013) for the IRC.  It took in that year, from gifts, grants and contributions, $451,017,146 (nearly a half billion $) and $305,481,609 came from YOU!  They are thus 68% taxpayer funded.
Their former CEO pulled in a very handsome salary and benefits package totaling $485,321 to run a NON-PROFIT!  We can assume that David Miliband didn’t move across the Atlantic for much less than that! Probably next year’s tax return will report Miliband’s compensation package.
Doing well by doing good (again)!
What was even more interesting to me is the fact that they have 2 other employees who make over $300,000 a year, and 8 who make over $200,000 A YEAR!   To find those numbers you have to go all the way to page 175 of a 218 page tax return!
For more on the Climate refugee hysteria, go to our special category here.  When I first started following this issue a few years ago, there was a conflict on-going about using the word “refugee” to define those displaced (supposedly) by global warming.  The ‘humanitarians’ didn’t want the environmentalists mucking around with their word —refugee.  I see they now must have patched things up and ‘climate refugee’ is an acceptable term!

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