Congress seeking answers about how many asylum seekers have terror connections

This is all I have and no time today to do a search.  Since the letter is not linked, it may be older news that the reporter at the Washington Free Beacon has just found and wishes to disseminate further.  No matter because it gives me an opportunity to link a story about how Somalis skip around the world and end up on our southern border.

Who is on the bus? Somalis caught at the border and moved to a detention facility.

It was only ten days ago that we had a report of a busload of asylum-seeking Somalis being moved to a California detention center, here.
BTW, the difference between “refugees” and “asylum” seekers is that we pick up the refugees abroad and bring them here, and then sign them up for their social services.  Asylum seekers get here on their own steam and either enter illegally or overstay a visa and apply for asylum (claiming they will be persecuted if they return home).  Once granted asylum they are eligible for all the welfare goodies too!
Here is the Washington Free Beacon story:

Congress is demanding that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) release documents detailing how many foreigners seeking asylum in the United States have been found to have ties to terror groups, according to a recent letter sent to the agency by leading lawmakers.

The letter comes on the heels of revelations by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that at least 638 aliens seeking asylum in America have been found to have connections to terrorists.

This “recent disclosure regarding the numbers of aliens found to have a ‘credible fear’ in cases where the terrorism bar to asylum eligibility may have applied raised the concern that hundreds of known and suspected aliens with terrorist connections may be attempting to take advantage of our country’s asylum system,” according to the letter, sent by leaders of four House committees on national security, the judiciary, and government reform.

There is more, read it all.

One Somali’s great travel adventures

When I wrote this post, I mentioned the globe-trotting Somalis who pay huge sums of money to get to our southern border.  Reader Leo found this account of one Somali’s travel itinerary.
The first question I have is why didn’t the hero of this improbable tale ask for asylum in the first safe country he entered?  That is the internationally understood method to request asylum.  Instead, obviously with buckets of money, he traveled to the US Southern border.
He is here now, has been granted asylum, and wants to bring the weeping wife and 12 kids to join him!
From The Other Phoenix:
Long sob story you can read yourself, then this:

Hilowle’s wife wept. She told her husband to escape, taking only the $80 and 20 Somali schilling in his pocket. At the time, a dollar was equal 35,000 schillings. Hilowle’s wife told him he had to leave, because if he died then the entire family would lose their financial support.

World traveler and now US refugee extraordinaire, Aden Hilowle, was initially cared for by Catholic Charities in Arizona.

It took eight days to reach Ethiopia and contact his friends. His father sent him $14,000 from the sale of Hilowle’s house. [He had a house to sell?  But what about wifey?—ed]

Hilowle contacted a human smuggler. For $14,000, he could get a passport and a visa to Italy, but for $7,000 he could get a visa to Cuba, from the smuggler. From Cuba, he could go to the U.S. Hilowle left Ethiopia on Sept. 15, 2009 for Cuba.

He said he flew to Dubai, Moscow, Cuba and finally Ecuador for another $2,000. From Ecuador he traveled to Columbia in the back of a semi-truck with 45 other people.

“I was nearly to die,” he said.

He traveled from Columbia to Panama, where he was detained for three months and learned Spanish.

Next, he traveled through Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala in the backs of commercial trucks.

Once, he thought he would asphyxiate. The entire truck was incredibly hot and the air was stifling. When the two drivers opened the back of the truck, Hilowle told them in Spanish he wouldn’t go back in the truck because he thought he was going to die. They threatened to leave him on the side of the road.

At the border check points the drivers locked Hilowle into a fold-up bunk bed. The room between the bed and the wall was so small Hilowle had to place his elbow against the bottom of the bed so he could breathe.

After enduring four check points, Hilowle refused to get back into the fold up bed. A police officer caught Hilowle, but the truck drivers bribed him, he said. The police officer took the money and offered to drive Hilowle to the border in his car. By the time they reached the border, they were friends. The officer said he too would like to go to America.

Hilowle traveled through Mexico from Guatemala via tourist bus, foot, plane and car. On March 3, 2010, around 5 p.m., Hilowle arrived in the border town of San Luis, Ariz., where he sought political asylum.

American border officials handcuffed Hilowle.

Like many political asylees, he was sent to a federal detention center. He refers to it as a prison.

“They give you food and shelter but no freedom,” Hilowle said. “You can’t adapt to prison.”

On Jan. 31, 2011 Hilowle was released from detention. He was granted refugee status, he said, and Catholic Charities resettled him in Serrano Village.

Surely by now wife and children have joined Hilowle and everyone lives happily ever after (on the US taxpayer)!
We are so gullible.

Norwegian politician: Let's send 10,000 Syrians to the Arctic!

The beautiful Svalbard islands. According to wikipedia, “the midnight sun lasts 99 days and polar night 84 days.”

I have so much to do on the farm today, I shouldn’t take a minute to post this, but it made me laugh and I hope it perks you up too!
Read this, and imagine now how the Leftists (normally eagerly “welcoming” refugees) must be reacting to the news that a pristine area with many national parks might be a great place to temporarily house 10,000 Syrians!  The resistance to resettling Syrians is not just in the US, but all over the western world citizens have had enough.
FrP politician Christian Eikeland: Let’s build a camp in Svalbard! Learn about the Fremskrittspartiet here:

From The Nordic Page:

While the Conservatives (Høyre) and Frp oppose the idea of accepting 10,000 refugees for next two years due to hosting capacity in municipalities, FrP politician Christian Eikeland proposes an extra ordinary solution.

– If the Parliament accepts that Norway should accept 10,000 refugees by rejecting the capacity argument, then we can create a refugee camp in Svalbard, says Eikeland to NRK.

He notes that the camp can be used to host refugees from Syria for a temporary period till other munuicipalities offer a place.

Christian Eikeland is aware of the challenges related to the harsh weather and social conditions in Svalbard, but still believes it is possible.

Svalbard is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Situated north of mainland Europe, it is about midway between continental Norway and the North Pole.


The archipelago features an Arctic climate, although with significantly higher temperatures than other areas at the same latitude. The flora take advantage of the long period of midnight sun to compensate for the polar night. Svalbard is a breeding ground for many seabirds, and also features polar bears, reindeer, the Arctic fox, and certain marine mammals. Seven national parks and twenty-three nature reserves cover two-thirds of the archipelago, protecting the largely untouched, yet fragile, natural environment. Approximately 60% of the archipelago is covered with glaciers, and the islands feature many mountains and fjords.

Sounds beautiful!
See our growing archive on Norway and our ‘Invasion of Europe’ file is here.

It has taken nearly 100 years, but the increasingly successful "Cultural Marxism" is responsible

We had a couple of good comments to our post over the weekend about ‘Ireland ‘welcoming’ Muslim ‘refugees,‘ and at the same time voting to make gay marriage legal in the heretofore largely Catholic country.

‘Cultural Marxism’ is succeeding in Ireland and America as it has seeped into every one of our institutions, most especially the churches

I  bet that even some of the leaders of the ‘church’ refugee resettlement agencies have no clue where all this came from and what they are doing to America.

ISIS photo showing gay man being thrown to his death. So where are the Progressives condemning their brothers in arms, the Islamists?

Here is one commenter (Jim) in response to my comment about the only weapon the other side has (and it keeps most good people at bay) are the words racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic etc. etc.  I said it is time, past time, to stop being frightened by words!
Jim (LOL!  I never heard the word “Progs” (short for Progressives) to describe the hard Left.  I like it!).  Comment to this post:

I just call them ‘euphemisms’ any more. I saw what I thought was a very good post about progressivism and its lust for the death of the West. PC was born in the Ivy League and Berkeley, spawned by the ’60s and ’70s radicals who decided to destroy the system from within. They are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. Saul Alinsky was their Messiah and Chicago is their Bethlehem. Old news I know, but amazing. Robert Bork’s ‘Slouching Toward Gomorrah’ was spot on.

“Progs” have a strange affection for Islam. Islam is an enemy of much of what Progs hate about western civilization such as – Christianity (and now Judaism), capitalism, individualism, and constitutional limits on government. So they are fellow travelers in that regard. Of course Progs claim they are defenders of gays and women and minorities, but you notice they are willing to look the other way if it is Muslims doing the oppressing of gays and women. In fact they will actually criticize those same people and defend Muslims in those situations. It is not bizarre if you pretend to think like a Prog – in their world anything that destroys the “evil” which is western civilization is therefore good.

In that regard Progressivism is a religion. As has been said so many times before, you do not need a god for it to be a religion, all you need is a devil. The devil is “the west”.

I maintain that what happened in the ’60s and ’70s has roots that go farther back in our history.

The counter-culture of that period (’60s and ’70s) was one of the first visible signs that “Cultural Marxism” was succeeding.

Years ago, when we (here at RRW) discussed the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, we wrote several posts about how the US got to this point in our history and we told you about this short description of “Cultural Marxism” by William S. Lind.  You must read the whole thing to better understand that for the revolution to succeed (in order for Marxism to succeed and destroy Capitalism) they needed first to destroy Western Civilization, the family and the church.
William Lind (emphasis is mine):

In his columns on the next conservatism, Paul Weyrich has several times referred to “cultural Marxism.” He asked me, as Free Congress Foundation’s resident historian, to write this column explaining what cultural Marxism is and where it came from. In order to understand what something is, you have to know its history.

When Hitler came to power, the Frankfort School moved to Columbia University in NYC, Barack Obama’s alma mater.

Cultural Marxism is a branch of western Marxism, different from the Marxism-Leninism of the old Soviet Union. It is commonly known as “multiculturalism” or, less formally, Political Correctness. From its beginning, the promoters of cultural Marxism have known they could be more effective if they concealed the Marxist nature of their work, hence the use of terms such as “multiculturalism.”

Cultural Marxism began not in the 1960s but in 1919, immediately after World War I. Marxist theory had predicted that in the event of a big European war, the working class all over Europe would rise up to overthrow capitalism and create communism. But when war came in 1914, that did not happen. When it finally did happen in Russia in 1917, workers in other European countries did not support it. What had gone wrong?

Independently, two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary, came to the same answer: Western culture and the Christian religion had so blinded the working class to its true, Marxist class interest that Communism was impossible in the West until both could be destroyed. In 1919, Lukacs asked, “Who will save us from Western civilization?” That same year, when he became Deputy Commissar for Culture in the short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun government in Hungary, one of Lukacs’s first acts was to introduce sex education into Hungary’s public schools. He knew that if he could destroy the West’s traditional sexual morals, he would have taken a giant step toward destroying Western culture itself.

In 1923, inspired in part by Lukacs, a group of German Marxists established a think tank at Frankfurt University in Germany called the Institute for Social Research. This institute, soon known simply as the Frankfurt School, would become the creator of cultural Marxism.

To translate Marxism from economic into cultural terms, the members of the Frankfurt School – – Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Wilhelm Reich, Eric Fromm and Herbert Marcuse, to name the most important – – had to contradict Marx on several points. They argued that culture was not just part of what Marx had called society’s “superstructure,” but an independent and very important variable. They also said that the working class would not lead a Marxist revolution, because it was becoming part of the middle class, the hated bourgeoisie.  [I believe that the reason the Left is pouring immigrants into America is because the US working class is generally moving up in society and they need a constant infusion of poor people to keep the pressure on.—ed]

Who would? In the 1950s, Marcuse answered the question: a coalition of blacks, students, feminist women and homosexuals.

The modern-day ‘brains’ behind ‘Cultural Marxism’ (including Barack Hussein Obama) have simply added immigrants, especially Muslim immigrants, to the list of those who would help bring down Western Civilization.  But, of course, I think they have a tiger by the tail and the minute the Islamists gain enough power they will rise up and destroy the pandering Left first.  Some of my friends believe the Communists will control the Islamists.  I don’t.
Lind concludes:

The next conservatism should unmask multiculturalism and Political Correctness and tell the American people what they really are: cultural Marxism. Its goal remains what Lukacs and Gramsci set in 1919: destroying Western culture and the Christian religion. It has already made vast strides toward that goal. But if the average American found out that Political Correctness is a form of Marxism, different from the Marxism of the Soviet Union but Marxism nonetheless, it would be in trouble. The next conservatism needs to reveal the man behind the curtain – – old Karl Marx himself.

There is no sense dwelling on it, and yakking about it!  It is important to know history, but now back to work exposing the specific details about how the “Progs,” the Marxists, are working day and night to destroy your family, your church and Western Civilization and how you might stop it!