Everyone is abuzz about the DHS bus carrying Somalis looking for asylum in the US

Surely you’ve seen the news by now (it is all over the internet) about the DHS bus in California carrying Somalis and other Africans apprehended at our southern border and now asking for asylum.

The story, that began as a video clip making the rounds of social media is fleshed out further here at World Net Daily.   Luckily broadcaster Anita Fuentes of ‘Open your eyes people,’ was there to ask questions of the driver and to film the bus.

Go to World Net Daily for the full story and more about Somalis and asylum in the US.

For new readers, once an alien is granted asylum they may receive all of the social service benefits that a normal refugee gets, and they may get care from one of the federal resettlement contractors.

Asha Omar (19) granted asylum in El Paso, Texas in 2010, tells the improbable tale that she “made her way” by herself to America with a stop in Cuba before reaching the Mexican border. http://www.lcsun-news.com/las_cruces-news/ci_17039428

This is not news to us!

We have been telling readers for years about the Somali trail from Africa to our southern border and a claim of asylum.

In 2011, we urged Congress to investigate the strange phenomenon of a supposedly impoverished young Somali traveling sometimes from Somalia to Syria to Russia to Cuba and then to Central America or Mexico and making it to the US border where a claim for asylum would be made with the help of immigration lawyers who seemed to be expecting them!

It is not just in the Mediterranean region where an invasion is occurring!

Here is the 2011 post in which I urged Congress to investigate this strange business:

Is there a conspiracy by NGO’s to bring asylum seekers to US borders?

Here is an earlier post (2009) about Africans getting to South America on their way to the US southern border:

African asylum seekers reaching South America, hope to get to the US

And, here is a more recent post on the same subject:

Six Somalis headed to US arrested in Mexico

There are more posts on the same subject here at RRW, but no time to search for them right now.

I once saw a fantastic travel map for Somalis who ‘made their way’ to Russia and then flew to Cuba from there.  Next stop was Mexico and the US border (wish I could find it to show you!).

Does no one ever ask?  Who is helping these ‘youths’ and who is paying for it all?   I’ve seen estimates that such a travel plan costs upwards of $10,000.

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