Senator Sessions wants Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide missing annual report

Shaking my head, where were you guys when I needed you years ago! The Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS) is required by law to provide annual reports to Congress and for years and years we squawked about the fact that for years (years!) they were way behind.  In fact by the time I testified at … Continue reading Senator Sessions wants Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide missing annual report

Senate Oversight hearing on Refugee Program very revealing! Senator Sessions did a masterful job

For all of you who had to do something productive yesterday afternoon, like go to work! here is a link to the C-span video of the hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest that ran a little over two hours. As far as we can tell this is the first … Continue reading Senate Oversight hearing on Refugee Program very revealing! Senator Sessions did a masterful job

Sensible Senator Sessions: Slow down immigration and give people time to assimilate

The US Census Bureau is reporting that the US is on the cusp of the Second Great Wave of Immigration where the immigrant population of America is at or near the historically high level of 15%.    Most people, especially the youngsters in the Open Borders movement assume we have been pouring immigrants into America at … Continue reading Sensible Senator Sessions: Slow down immigration and give people time to assimilate

Senator Sessions smeared by America’s Voice and the Southern Poverty Law Center

Ho hum!  So what else is new.   America’s Voice and the Southern Poverty Law Center both well known for their smear tactics—-you know that is how the radical left operates, they learned it from Alinsky (Rule 13 and SPLC here)—went after Senator Jeff Sessions yesterday as reported at the Huffington Post.    You can read the … Continue reading Senator Sessions smeared by America’s Voice and the Southern Poverty Law Center