Angelina Jolie visits internally-displaced refugees in Iraq

Angeline Jolie is in the refugee news again. We’ve posted on her trips to visit refugees before; see here for a list. She is a UN Goodwill Ambassador, whatever that is, and I’ve remarked before on how sensible she is. At a time when seemingly everyone involved with Iraqi refugees, including the UN, was saying that … Continue reading Angelina Jolie visits internally-displaced refugees in Iraq

Angelina Jolie visits refugee camp in Thailand, gets it wrong on Rohingya

The last time we wrote about Angelina Jolie it was to praise her good sense. She had visited Iraq and Iraqi refugees, and she spoke to the Council of Foreign Relations. (See our several posts on Jolie here.)  Way back in April, when almost everybody was convinced that all the Iraqi refugees had to be … Continue reading Angelina Jolie visits refugee camp in Thailand, gets it wrong on Rohingya

Joliet, IL Catholic Charities running out of government money

I know many of the new readers coming to RRW are surprised to learn that most liberal-leaning non-profit groups, even church groups, are heavily funded by federal and state government.    Losing that taxpayer money can often mean the end of some or all of an organization’s programs like this one in Joliet, IL. JOLIET – Last week, … Continue reading Joliet, IL Catholic Charities running out of government money

China Does NOT Want Any Refugees from the Middle East (or from anywhere else)!

How sick are you of hearing that we in America have some moral obligation to admit more refugees to our towns and cities?  Well, get ready to barf because you are going to hear it non-stop if Biden/Harris succeed in stealing the White House. And, when was the last time you heard the UN and … Continue reading China Does NOT Want Any Refugees from the Middle East (or from anywhere else)!

Trump Admin reining-in Obama plan to get more Central American children to US

Barack Obama illegally expanded the US Refugee Admissions Program a few years ago with his Central American Minors Program (CAM) which allowed Central American parents (from 3 countries) already in the US to get their kids to America by claiming they are refugees.  Obama said it would stem the illegal border invasion by ‘children.’  (Begging … Continue reading Trump Admin reining-in Obama plan to get more Central American children to US