Uh oh! Monday could be hot in Germany as Muslims plan counter-demo against Islamophobes

The demonstration from both sides is planned for Cologne which saw a huge outpouring of concern for the Islamization of Germany last October.  However, the largest demonstrations against further Muslim immigration to Germany have occurred in Dresden on recent Mondays. From the World Bulletin (emphasis is mine): At least 13 non-governmental organizations of Muslim and … Continue reading Uh oh! Monday could be hot in Germany as Muslims plan counter-demo against Islamophobes

German anti-Muslim demonstrations drew 15,000 yesterday (up from 10,000 last week)

The demonstrators are “dangerous” because they are not right wing nuts! Lutz Hagen, a professor at Dresden’s Technical University, said it was wrong to write off all PEGIDA supporters as far-right nuts. “It’s already a broad movement and could become even broader,” he said. Reuters has a pretty informative story about how it went in … Continue reading German anti-Muslim demonstrations drew 15,000 yesterday (up from 10,000 last week)

Germany: 10,000 rally in Dresden against Islam/asylum seekers

Update December 14th:  More demonstrations expected tomorrow, here. Invasion of Europe breaking news…. A day after the Obama Administration announced it is “welcoming” 9,000 Syrian Muslims to the US, Germans are expressing their anger loud and clear about the influx of Muslim asylum seekers. Germany is planning to take up to 20,000 Syrians in the … Continue reading Germany: 10,000 rally in Dresden against Islam/asylum seekers

NYT: Germany under strain from influx of Syrian and other Muslim refugees

Not a new story here at RRW as we follow the ‘Invasion of Europe’ on a daily basis.  Yesterday the New York Times did the Germany story.  The headline should really be ‘Merkel calls emergency meeting as citizens riot.’ (I’m looking for the day when the unrest in Europe over Muslim immigration (finally!) shows up … Continue reading NYT: Germany under strain from influx of Syrian and other Muslim refugees

German politician: Let German families take refugees into their homes

Here is the story at Reuters.  What do you think? LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Citizens in Germany, one of the most sought-after destinations for refugees, should be allowed to host asylum seekers in their homes to ease the pressure on the government to provide adequate housing for them, a politician said on Friday. Martin … Continue reading German politician: Let German families take refugees into their homes