German guards allegedly abused asylum-seekers in refugee center

The UNHCR must be hopping mad that their favored country for asylum these days—Germany—has produced some down right unwelcoming behavior toward the mostly Muslim asylum-seekers attempting to stay in Germany. Let’s just say Germany has been the ‘fair-haired’ country as far as the UN is concerned, especially as it has promised to take in up … Continue reading German guards allegedly abused asylum-seekers in refugee center

Surprise! One Lewiston, ME elementary school swamped with new Somali students

Montello Elementary School is in need of additional English language teachers to handle a wave of new immigrant students according to this article in the Sun Journal.   The “welcoming” city of Lewiston, Maine must be attracting even more secondary migrants (refugees resettled elsewhere who then move usually in order to be in enclaves with their own … Continue reading Surprise! One Lewiston, ME elementary school swamped with new Somali students