Iraqi Christians are fleeing in droves, and the U.S. doesn’t care

The indispensable Ken Timmerman reports in the Washington Times today: Assyrian Christians are fleeing Iraq in record numbers, following a spate of recent bombing attacks and targeted killings of Christian families in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. Over the last month, 13 Assyrian Christians have been murdered in targeted killings in Mosul. A week … Continue reading Iraqi Christians are fleeing in droves, and the U.S. doesn’t care

Iraq’s professionals have left in droves; US making problem worse

The L.A. Times actually has a reporter in Iraq who found out some facts, and they are pretty discouraging. In an article headlined Iraq too dangerous for many professionals, Tina Susman writes about an educated family about to leave Iraq. Their imminent departure is a major problem facing Iraq, which has suffered a brain drain … Continue reading Iraq’s professionals have left in droves; US making problem worse

World Relief and ‘Evangelical’ Group Send Misleading Letters to 15 Governors

Sometimes ‘Christians’ don’t tell the whole truth! Yesterday I reported on the Religious Left’s ongoing campaign to pressure governors to oppose the President on one of the President’s most important 2016 campaign promises—to reduce the flow of ‘refugees’ from around the globe to your towns. The Christian Post alerted us to a series of letters … Continue reading World Relief and ‘Evangelical’ Group Send Misleading Letters to 15 Governors

Germany attempting to root out refugee jihadists, watching 570

The clincher to this story is in the last sentence.  570 “dangerous” refugees are being watched.  Surely they could get rid of them before they commit a terrorist act! And, how many more are still unknown to them? Invasion of Europe news…. From Newsline: German police arrested two migrants from Syria and one from Bosnia … Continue reading Germany attempting to root out refugee jihadists, watching 570

Re-Migration! Phony refugees leaving Germany and going home!

Invasion of Europe news…. Frustrated with the bureaucracy and homesick for their own homes and the culture from which they came are two reasons given for scores of supposedly persecuted people heading back to the Middle East. And, this story reminds me, and makes me wonder how many refugees being foisted on American towns at … Continue reading Re-Migration! Phony refugees leaving Germany and going home!