Senator Rand Paul cites KY refugee terrorists/Boston bombers on radio talk show, angers Left

I’m glad to see 2016 Presidential candidate and US Senator Rand Paul annoying the Left as Mediaite reports here. See our post yesterday where we pointed out that a couple of years ago Paul was an outspoken critic of the program, then had gone underground on the topic.  I guess he is back and his … Continue reading Senator Rand Paul cites KY refugee terrorists/Boston bombers on radio talk show, angers Left

Hey Obama! Those Minnesota Somali youths arrested for attempting to join ISIS were not without prospects for a good future

Everyone was asking yesterday, are we sure these are REFUGEES or the children of refugees resettled in Minnesota (or somewhere else in the US)?   Yes, we are 99% sure, but the mainstream media isn’t going to use the ‘R’ word unless they absolutely have to! Most Somalis in the US are here through the Refugee … Continue reading Hey Obama! Those Minnesota Somali youths arrested for attempting to join ISIS were not without prospects for a good future

Megyn Kelly and Gov. Bobby Jindal go toe-to-toe on Muslim immigration to the US

There is no doubt that the subject of Muslim immigration is now coming front and center in the debate on how much immigration is too much as was demonstrated by the fact that Fox’s star host, Megyn Kelly invited Gov. Bobby Jindal to explain himself on the subject. Before getting to the exchange, I want … Continue reading Megyn Kelly and Gov. Bobby Jindal go toe-to-toe on Muslim immigration to the US

On Friday, Veep Biden announced expansion of refugee program for the “children”

I saw the news, as many of you did, and just didn’t get around to posting it (also figured most of our readers saw it anyway), but just to keep our historical record up-to-date, here is what Breitbart said about the latest Obama Central American invasion plan. Why did Obama send Biden out to do … Continue reading On Friday, Veep Biden announced expansion of refugee program for the “children”