Mexican government paying legal fees so illegal alien kids can stay in America

Now why would they do a thing like that?  Wouldn’t you think that they would need these young people in Mexico—aren’t they Mexico’s future? Yes, they are—right here in the USA!  They are Mexico’s pipeline to American money! Can you say remittances! It is cheaper to assure Mexicans can stay and work in America by … Continue reading Mexican government paying legal fees so illegal alien kids can stay in America

Senators request GAO study on how the Office of Refugee Resettlement is handling the UAC issue

The press release from Senators Grassley, Hatch and Coburn just released today reads as follows (hat tip: Rosemary). WASHINGTON – Senators Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch and Tom Coburn are asking the Government Accountability Office to review policies of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the agency charged with caring for unaccompanied minors crossing the southern U.S. … Continue reading Senators request GAO study on how the Office of Refugee Resettlement is handling the UAC issue

Obama creates new “refugee” program for Central American kids

White House double whammy! First the Syrians then the “children.” In announcing his ‘Presidential Determination’ yesterday for Fiscal Year 2015 refugee admissions, the Administration set up a new and separate program to accommodate tens of thousands of mostly Central American teenagers waiting in Guatemala, El Salvador or Honduras for their chance to get into the … Continue reading Obama creates new “refugee” program for Central American kids

Liberians can thank Ebola (and Senator Jack Reed) for extended stay in the US

Temporary Protected Status for Liberians should have ended years ago, but now, thanks to Ebola, they will get a reprieve and stay for what will amount to another decade or forever. I wasn’t going to post this story (I mentioned the possibility of the Ebola excuse, here already) until several readers sent it to me … Continue reading Liberians can thank Ebola (and Senator Jack Reed) for extended stay in the US

1980’s Sanctuary Movement being renewed in 2014!

A large number of Central Americans in the US now entered illegally in the 1980’s thanks to the “help” of churches throughout the US where church members literally sneaked them across the border and distributed them throughout America. In Maryland, for example, the illegal alien advocacy group—CASA de Maryland—supported today by the Governor and other … Continue reading 1980’s Sanctuary Movement being renewed in 2014!