Maine election-year battle over welfare for asylum seekers on-going

We have reported on the problem in Maine for months (years!).  The gist of it is that Maine has had a wonderland of welfare for immigrants (that is what brought the first Somalis to Lewiston years ago) and now the LePage Administration is trying to cut back social services to asylum seekers.  (The federal government … Continue reading Maine election-year battle over welfare for asylum seekers on-going

WND reports on Somali Jihad recruitment in “Little Mogadishu” Minnesota

As I mentioned the other day, we probably have at least 500 posts here at RRW on the Somali migration to America, and surely a hundred or more on the ‘Somali youths’ we welcomed to our cities who have said, s**** the good life, we are Jihadists. (See ISIS fighters just yesterday, here.) Important to … Continue reading WND reports on Somali Jihad recruitment in “Little Mogadishu” Minnesota

One more reason for foreign nationals to legally stay in US—Ebola

Every time we turn around we find one more legal reason foreign nationals can stay in the US. The one federal program (besides refugee resettlement/asylum) we have noted most often on these pages is Temporary Protected Status a ridiculously named program since it is rarely temporary.  We still have Central Americans living here legally ten … Continue reading One more reason for foreign nationals to legally stay in US—Ebola

Is the “remittance culture” driving the “children” to America?

“Why work when money just pours in from Western Union regularly?” Update August 12th:  More on remittance culture in Breitbart article about illegal Hondurans in US. A few years ago when I was researching a story on “temporary protected status” I came across a comment by George Bush, or someone in his State Department, saying … Continue reading Is the “remittance culture” driving the “children” to America?

US State Dept. contractor resettles first Syrian Sunni Muslims to Georgia

  Update August 11th:  Expect big surge of Syrians next year, here. Update!  Come to think of it, why not send all the Syrians to Vermont!  They definitely welcome refugees and illegal aliens there! We know there are some Syrians (probably thousands) here already through other legal/illegal means (specifically Temporary Protected Status), but this is … Continue reading US State Dept. contractor resettles first Syrian Sunni Muslims to Georgia