Phoenix Liberian gang-rape case dragged on for five years due to cultural unawareness of US legal system

Hey, how would you like to use that excuse if you were in trouble with the law, surely they all had American lawyers familiar with our legal system! Result in most portions of the case—case dismissed.  No deportations! ‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted this update of a story we reported extensively back in 2009.  (Here are six posts … Continue reading Phoenix Liberian gang-rape case dragged on for five years due to cultural unawareness of US legal system

ALIPAC organizing nationwide protests against amnesty and the surge

Americans for Legal Immigration‘s national day of protest is this next Friday and Saturday (July 18 & 19) in dozens and dozens of locations.   Hat tip: Bruce This is what they say at their website: More than 170 protests nationwide see below. If you want to add a protest near you, please email all of … Continue reading ALIPAC organizing nationwide protests against amnesty and the surge

Philadelphia: Liberians furious about fire response; riot

Editor:  This is a guest post from ‘pungentpeppers.’   I’m traveling today and will see how much I can still get posted.  The mainstream media is doing a pretty good job of paying attention to the “refugee” issue these days—thanks to the unaccompanied alien minors surging at the border (LOL! less work for me!). We don’t … Continue reading Philadelphia: Liberians furious about fire response; riot

US immigrants send billions of dollars out of the country

They are officially called remittances and have made the news lately, here, because American banks are increasingly refusing to send money to Somalia fearing it will end up in the hands of terrorists. The Pew Research Center earlier this year calculated that approximately $123,273,000,000 is sent out of the US every year.  Hat tip:  Jim. … Continue reading US immigrants send billions of dollars out of the country

Immigrants use food stamps to purchase, send food out of the country

Update:  Brenda Walker at VDARE has some good stats you should see, here. The New York Post has a new twist on one of our favorite subjects—-food stamp fraud.  Hat tip: Anne Seems that Jamaicans, Haitians and immigrants from the Dominican Republic living in New York are buying non-perishable food to send ‘home’ to relatives. … Continue reading Immigrants use food stamps to purchase, send food out of the country