Maryland Delegate: “…money is a principal driver of the foreign governments’ interest in immigration reform.”

Editors note:  I posted this yesterday at Potomac Tea Party Report but since we frequently write about “Temporary” Refugees here, I thought this might be of interest to RRW readers as well. That quote would be from Del. Ana Sol GUTIERREZ  of  Montgomery County, Maryland when she was being interviewed by The Hill a week … Continue reading Maryland Delegate: “…money is a principal driver of the foreign governments’ interest in immigration reform.”

Iranian TV calling Mali conflict “the French war on Mali;” blame the French for refugee crisis

This is actually funny if it weren’t so serious. “French War on Mali increases Refugees,” from Press TV (Official Iranian English language news outlet): The number of Malian people crossing into neighboring countries goes on to rise amid the French-led war on Mali. According to reports by the United Nations, over 4,000 Malian refugees have … Continue reading Iranian TV calling Mali conflict “the French war on Mali;” blame the French for refugee crisis

No jobs, mental illness plague Iraqi refugees in Dearborn, MI

Since we are on the subject of immigrants with untreated mental illness (see yesterday’s horrifying story from the Boston Globe), this story from Newsweek about Iraqi refugees struggling in Michigan fits right in. Although Iraq is now governed by a democratically elected government that we gave them at a very high cost to America in … Continue reading No jobs, mental illness plague Iraqi refugees in Dearborn, MI

Guatemalan gang violence biggest excuse to grant illegals asylum

I’ve reported previously that immigration lawyers are working overtime in the US trying to figure out all the new angles to use for illegal aliens entering the US and asking for asylum. Here is the definition of asylum I posted late last month in a post about “narco-refugees:” Refugee status or asylum may be granted … Continue reading Guatemalan gang violence biggest excuse to grant illegals asylum

Senator Rand Paul looking for “eventual path to citizenship” for illegal aliens

Update:  Some national Tea Party groups are coming out for AMNESTY, Freedom Works is one, I wrote about it here at my other blog.   Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity do not speak for the majority of Tea Party-minded grassroots. Before you dismiss this headline as a story about one more squishy and frightened Republican … Continue reading Senator Rand Paul looking for “eventual path to citizenship” for illegal aliens