Poll: 40% of American Muslims want Shariah Law rather than American law

Editors note:  This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report, my other blog, here. WND poll:  Four in 10 said Muslims in America should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Islamic Shariah law. That is the crux of this article a few days ago from World Net Daily. Another interesting … Continue reading Poll: 40% of American Muslims want Shariah Law rather than American law

Get ready for it! Syrians will be our next big batch of refugees…

…..along with the Rohingya (but that’s another story)! Last week I reported that Iraq had agreed to open its borders to fleeing Syrians (Syrian Christians being killed by rebels).  But, it appears that they have done so with great reluctance because they fear that Al Qaeda (Sunnis) will flow in with the Syrians.  I think … Continue reading Get ready for it! Syrians will be our next big batch of refugees…

Obama extends TPS for 200,000+ Salvadorans in the US illegally

I should have posted this news here at RRW when I wrote about it two days ago at my other blog.  If you aren’t familiar with Temporary Protected Status, go here and follow links to learn more.  Essentially TPS is a backdoor amnesty for many ethnic groups including Hondurans, Haitians and Somalis (among others). I … Continue reading Obama extends TPS for 200,000+ Salvadorans in the US illegally

Action Alert from NumbersUSA: Help kill the diversity visa lottery

[This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report] Yesterday I said Asylum was the great American immigration scam, but then there is the Diversity Visa Lottery and Temporary Protected Status, etc.—I just can’t make up my mind which is the most outrageous!  And, next time someone says ‘I’m o.k. with legal immigration, it’s illegal immigration … Continue reading Action Alert from NumbersUSA: Help kill the diversity visa lottery