Feds cracking down on immigration lawyer fraudsters for conning illegal immigrants…

…But what about all the US citizens these lawyers have ripped off through their work?  Isn’t it entirely possible that they also used fraud to acquire legal status for some who didn’t deserve it?  One such alleged scammer is in Baltimore!  [Readers, this is cross-posted from my Maryland blog, thus the focus on Baltimore.] On … Continue reading Feds cracking down on immigration lawyer fraudsters for conning illegal immigrants…

Boston: Haitians living in hotels as wards of the state

Ho hum.  It’s a year since a massive earthquake devastated Haiti and by all the news accounts this week, international aide did not pour into Haiti, Bill Clinton and George Bush were not successful in raising money to re-build the country and where is the Obama Administration?   No where according to this article in the … Continue reading Boston: Haitians living in hotels as wards of the state

Phoenix: Liberian refugee will go to juvenile court in gang-rape case

This is a story we reported here last summer. Yesterday AP reported that the oldest of the rapist boys would be given over to the juvenile justice system for three years of therapy.  Testimony centered around the fact that rape was common in Liberia. PHOENIX — A teenage Liberian refugee charged in the gang-rape of … Continue reading Phoenix: Liberian refugee will go to juvenile court in gang-rape case

Socialist publication: US Military taking over Haiti, refugees to be imprisoned

While most Americans are proud of the US military for stepping into the void in Haiti, and American families watch loved ones leave home with only a couple days of notice to risk their lives in filth and chaos.    And, while all the news is filled with warm and fuzzy stories of American school children collecting pennies … Continue reading Socialist publication: US Military taking over Haiti, refugees to be imprisoned