Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

“Small ghettos” of competing ethnic groups have developed! We have been writing about Amarillo, Texas (a ‘pocket of resistance’) for a couple of years (see our complete archive by clicking here).  Like so many meatpacking towns in America, federal refugee resettlement contractors*** got a foot hold there years ago (mostly working as ‘head hunters’ for … Continue reading Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

Foreign operatives and foreign-owned businesses changing America by changing the people

The Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan gives us a peak inside the employment services that the nine major refugee resettlement contractors offer American businesses. I just want to scream when I see stories like this—what about Americans who might like to own a small business or need work? Everyone working in ‘pockets of resistance’ must … Continue reading Foreign operatives and foreign-owned businesses changing America by changing the people

Ft. Morgan: Cargill caves to CAIR, will allow Somali workers to reapply for jobs in 30 days

Update!  A reader suggests you contact Cargill and complain about their accommodation of Islamic demands.  Tell them to hire Americans while you are at it!   It all boils down to the fact that ‘Big Meat’ doesn’t want to pay higher wages and so they have become completely dependent on refugee labor.  In the … Continue reading Ft. Morgan: Cargill caves to CAIR, will allow Somali workers to reapply for jobs in 30 days

MN Governor Dayton: Don't like immigrants, get out of Minnesota!

Update:  A reader just sent me another story on the Governor’s demand to get out, here. Earlier this week, in St. Cloud, MN, the Democrat Governor of the State—Mark Dayton***—made it pretty clear to those who have been questioning the mass importation of Somali refugees to the state—too bad for you, find another place to … Continue reading MN Governor Dayton: Don't like immigrants, get out of Minnesota!

Idaho: Why might Senator Crapo have sounded so squishy at recent town hall meetings?

We told you here the other day that Idaho Senator Mike Crapo was confronted at several August recess town hall meetings with a barrage of questions relating to the resettlement of third world refugees to Idaho. He struck me as pretty squishy in his responses. One of the primary things citizens in refugee resettlement target zones … Continue reading Idaho: Why might Senator Crapo have sounded so squishy at recent town hall meetings?