Pockets of Resistance growing and spreading, WND tells us where (so far)

Update:  This WND story made it to Drudge today and it went through the roof! Leo Hohmann, writing at World Net Daily last evening has another detailed article on the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department and a report from at least three important ‘Pockets of Resistance.‘ The WND article begins: The pushback started … Continue reading Pockets of Resistance growing and spreading, WND tells us where (so far)

Idaho: At townhalls, Senator Mike Crapo gets an earful about refugee program

I meant to post this news earlier, but there is so much happening I can’t keep up!  See two other posts on Idaho yesterday, here and here. Citizens in that growing Idaho ‘Pocket of Resistance (POR)‘ have been dogging Republican Senator Mike Crapo during the August recess. We have two stories about the intense level … Continue reading Idaho: At townhalls, Senator Mike Crapo gets an earful about refugee program

Trump working with Sen. Jeff Sessions on immigration platform

Update: Here is Breitbart calling this new development a “game changer.” Signaling that he couldn’t be more serious about getting immigration under control, Presidential candidate Donald Trump has sought out the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, Senator Jeff Sessions, to help craft his immigration policy platform. Readers know … Continue reading Trump working with Sen. Jeff Sessions on immigration platform

In Minnesota, refugee resettlement characterized as form of slavery

In an interesting coincidence, yesterday we posted a guest column from ‘Idaho Patriot’ about refugee resettlement as modern-day slavery and then right on the heels of that we see the same theme echoed in Minnesota—where the ‘Pockets of Resistance’ are getting organized and expanding. Here is an article at the Morrison County Record about a … Continue reading In Minnesota, refugee resettlement characterized as form of slavery

Kansas City: White population plummets; refugee program partly responsible

I was traveling yesterday and had no time to post or even read much, so I missed posting this important article by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily about how Kansas City Mayor Mark Holland bragged about how KC is being changed by changing the people (where have we heard that before!). See the WND … Continue reading Kansas City: White population plummets; refugee program partly responsible