Amarillo, TX teacher, who works with refugees, is Obama’s Teacher of the Year

It makes me laugh (almost) to see how clever Obama and his comrades are in promoting its ‘welcoming’ meme to the media and to make it harder for teachers to speak up about their troubled and overloaded multicultural classrooms. Amarillo, Texas schools are in a shambles as we have reported here, here and here. In … Continue reading Amarillo, TX teacher, who works with refugees, is Obama’s Teacher of the Year

Report from my travels to Minnesota…..getting the attention of the St. Cloud Times!

Update April 30th:  Don Barnett adds to the discussion with more facts in Letter to the Editor, here. I’m back in Maryland after spending the last three days touring the state of Minnesota where I experienced an abundance of ‘Minnesota Nice.‘ Everywhere I traveled with ACT for America chapter leader Deb Anderson I was greeted … Continue reading Report from my travels to Minnesota…..getting the attention of the St. Cloud Times!

Government seeking to deport 150 Bosnians of all stripes on charges they committed war crimes and lied on refugee application

Are Bill Clinton’s chickens coming home to roost? And, just at a time when the State Department is telling anyone who will listen that we screen refugees really, really well, did I say really! well in the push to bring in the Syrian Muslims. So how did so many war criminals (on all sides of … Continue reading Government seeking to deport 150 Bosnians of all stripes on charges they committed war crimes and lied on refugee application

St. Louis: Bosnian refugees arrested for conspiring to help ISIS

So it isn’t just our Somali refugees thumbing their noses at the country that gave them a home, now it’s Bosnians in Missouri, Illinois and New York. Before we report the news, just a reminder that it was the Clinton Administration that admitted tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims to the US in the wake … Continue reading St. Louis: Bosnian refugees arrested for conspiring to help ISIS

Univ. of Wisconsin hosts “immersion” program into Somali culture for future teachers

Recently they held a meeting to discuss the Paris terrorist attack. From the Leader-Telegram: Just hours after a terrorist group’s attack on a satirical newspaper in Paris last month, nine future teachers sat with a group of Somali community elders in Minneapolis discussing the relationship between Islam and terrorism. The immersion program was designed for … Continue reading Univ. of Wisconsin hosts “immersion” program into Somali culture for future teachers