Cultural diversity enriching you Texas hicks. Does that include Amarillo taxpayers as well?

Amarillo”where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.” We had just been reporting that Amarillo has deep problems with too many refugees to assimilate and educate and feed and house, and now here comes the news about how rewarding all of that is to the taxpayers of Texas.  You cowboys, hicks, rednecks or whatever … Continue reading Cultural diversity enriching you Texas hicks. Does that include Amarillo taxpayers as well?

Aurora, CO: (another) whiny story, this time about Somali girls who wanted to join ISIS

Are you as sick to death of stories like this one as I am where we hear about disenfranchised Somali youths who have to be saved from leaving the good life in America to join Jihadists somewhere in the world. Think of the amount of resources (tax payer dollars) going into the FBI outreach to … Continue reading Aurora, CO: (another) whiny story, this time about Somali girls who wanted to join ISIS

Iowa: Number of languages/illiterate refugees making fire and rescue work difficult

News of the surge of illegal aliens swamping Texas and being driven and flown to other states, has pushed most of our other “refugee” news to the side, but here is one bit of news from a week ago that must be mentioned. This is a problem we have written about off and on for … Continue reading Iowa: Number of languages/illiterate refugees making fire and rescue work difficult

Hate crime investigation underway in “welcoming” Ft. Morgan, CO

We’ve been following the ups and downs of the Somali migration to Ft. Morgan for several years.  The mass migration to the town began in 2008 right after the big blow up in Greeley when Somalis demanded special prayer times at a Swift meatpacking plant there.  A lot of the Somalis were fired and moved … Continue reading Hate crime investigation underway in “welcoming” Ft. Morgan, CO