Burmese and Bhutanese refugees arrive in US in poverty, stay in poverty

We’ve written about the report from the Asian Pacific Islander Scholarship Fund previously, but thought this article about a recent briefing in Washington, DC added a few points that need to be high-lighted as well as asks the question: Why, then, has the plight of refugees largely escaped the attention of policymakers? I can answer … Continue reading Burmese and Bhutanese refugees arrive in US in poverty, stay in poverty

Missouri: Tyson Foods’ transient labor creates more poverty in small town America

….and more tension among long-time residents. We’ve written so many times about how ‘big meat’ is disrupting the demographics of heartland America that I’ve lost count.  But, here is a story that in its brevity summarizes a pattern that will be very familiar to longtime readers of RRW. And, let me remind you, as I … Continue reading Missouri: Tyson Foods’ transient labor creates more poverty in small town America

Tyson Foods Shelbyville, TN: all sorts of goodies to get and keep immigrant labor

This is the first in what will be many posts in my new category‘ Legal immigration and jobs.’  In fact, it’s this piece of information, now mysteriously missing from the US State Department’s website, that inspired this new category. Clinton brings cheap refugee labor to Iowa I’ve reported on this many many times on these … Continue reading Tyson Foods Shelbyville, TN: all sorts of goodies to get and keep immigrant labor