Amarillo, TX teacher, who works with refugees, is Obama’s Teacher of the Year

It makes me laugh (almost) to see how clever Obama and his comrades are in promoting its ‘welcoming’ meme to the media and to make it harder for teachers to speak up about their troubled and overloaded multicultural classrooms.

Shanna Peeples received the Teacher of the Year award this week. Ms. Peeples works with Somali and Iraqi high school students in overloaded Amarillo. Hat tip: Frank

Amarillo, Texas schools are in a shambles as we have reported here, here and here.

In 2012 and ever since, the mayor of the city, has been begging the resettlement contractors to slow the flow of refugees coming into the city.

To its credit, Catholic Charities did request that the US State Department not send its usual allotment to Amarillo and what did the State Department do—it sent the same large number to another contractor in town!

This is a quote in December 2014 from Nancy Koons, the director of Catholic Charities who recognized the crisis the Amarillo Independent School District (AISD) was having:

It wasn’t long before I heard from numerous concerned residents and staff from the Amarillo Independent School District. It was clear that the increasing rate of resettlement needed to slow down significantly to allow the community to catch up with challenges brought about by dramatic demographic changes.

I invited officials from USCCB in Washington D.C., and the state refugee coordinator from Austin to meet with representatives from AISD to hear their challenges.

At this meeting, AISD representatives graciously articulated extraordinary challenges in the schools. They begged USCCB and the state refugee coordinator to slow down the rate of resettlement to give AISD and the community the opportunity to “catch up,” and enable them to better serve all of the student population.

So what happened?  As I just said, Catholic Charities did cut its numbers, but the US State Department simply sent Catholic Charities usual allotment to another contractor in town!

By the way, Amarillo is one more meatpacking town…see what I mean about BIG MEAT changing America!  And, it is a city that has been developing as apocket of resistance.’

Obama and comrades, with this pick for teacher of the year (I am sure she is a wonderful teacher), cleverly cut off criticism from other teachers who might be troubled by the extremely large refugee load they carry in their classrooms.

Texas is the Number 1 resettlement state in the nation. Turning red state Texas blue?

Endnote: I’m going to urge you all to read or re-read this article by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily in which he very succinctly describes Obama’s plan to seed American cities with migrants (legal and illegal), and you darn well better be welcoming—-or else!

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