British-Syrian TV pundit causes firestorm, says Syrian refugees should not come to UK

She suggested they go to neighboring countries where they are among people of their own culture!  And, the horror, she questions who will pay for all the Syrians?  For that, she is labeled ‘Syria’s Sarah Palin.’ One country she lists as a better place to send Syrian refugees is deportation-nation Saudi Arabia! From Al-Arabiya News … Continue reading British-Syrian TV pundit causes firestorm, says Syrian refugees should not come to UK

Syrian refugees transit to America by “vacationing” in Cuba

Update February 4th:  The PR push is on, Think Progress (Soros and Podesta) showcase another Syrian who got into the US, here. Update:  The New York Times did a feature story on this family a month ago.  The well-connected savvy Muslim Syrian family is not what you picture as destitute, struggling refugees.  They knew how … Continue reading Syrian refugees transit to America by “vacationing” in Cuba

UK: Pressure on Brits to take Syrian refugees may be succeeding

Yesterday, UK Minister of Foreign Affairs Hague signaled that the United Kingdom would be looking to possibly resettle “vulnerable” Syrian refugees.  Whether the general public, which largely does not support more immigration (Syrians this time), will be persuaded I suppose rests on the definition of “vulnerable”  and for how long they will be allowed to … Continue reading UK: Pressure on Brits to take Syrian refugees may be succeeding

UK: Politicians may be moving toward accepting Syrian refugees, but British public still says NO

A new poll shows that most Brits want to either “keep the door firmly shut” against Syrian “asylum seekers,” or don’t know, as British politicians are warming to the idea under withering pressure from the humanitarian industrial complex. From the Mirror: YouGov asked: “Some European countries are agreeing to each admit a few hundred of … Continue reading UK: Politicians may be moving toward accepting Syrian refugees, but British public still says NO

Turkey: Could Syrian refugees help bring down Erdogan government?

Sure looks like it is possible!   And, it would be one explanation for why Turkey is a sieve and allowing Syrians to move through the country and out the other side into Greece and Bulgaria (both countries having enormous problems with illegal migrants mostly from Syria, but even from places like Algeria coming through Turkey!).* … Continue reading Turkey: Could Syrian refugees help bring down Erdogan government?