Italy: Syrian refugees pose threat to European security

Yes, we agree.  And, we have Obama and Samantha Power to thank for the lawlessness that now rules Libya.  So much for the Power doctrine—the “responsibility to protect.” Protect the Jihadists? From AFP (emphasis mine): The exodus of refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria represents a security threat to the European Union, Italy’s foreign minister … Continue reading Italy: Syrian refugees pose threat to European security

Syrian refugees could be bringing Polio to EU

From Vaccine News: An outbreak of acute flaccid paralysis from wild poliovirus in Syria could put European Union Member States at risk for contamination as refugees seek asylum, health officials warned on Thursday. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control urged EU countries to question Syrian refugees about their polio vaccination history and to … Continue reading Syrian refugees could be bringing Polio to EU

“Terrorism bars” could be hurdle to overcome for Syrian refugees to get into US

You can bet the federal refugee contractors are working overtime to get Syrian groups exempted from “terrorism bars” that have helped slow the flow of certain groups of refugees to the US in recent years. It’s ironic that as Obama sends weapons to Syrian ‘rebels,’ he is indeed creating more impediments to refugee resettlement. Here … Continue reading “Terrorism bars” could be hurdle to overcome for Syrian refugees to get into US

Austria takes first Syrian refugees—Christians!

I have a story to post today from AP at the Washington Post before I get to the Syrian article.  The title is:  ‘Austria governing coalition barely keeps its absolute majority as anti-immigrant party gains.’  The tone of it is one of shock that Austria’s ‘Freedom Party’ should be gaining (elections were this past Sunday) although … Continue reading Austria takes first Syrian refugees—Christians!

Human Rights First: US should commit next week to taking more Syrian refugees

Duncan Breen, Senior Associate, Refugee Protection Program at Human Rights First says at next week’s meeting of foreign ministers in Geneva that the US should make a commitment to resettle more Syrians and to make it easier for them to get around “bars to protection under U.S. immigration law” (code for reduce security screening). Here … Continue reading Human Rights First: US should commit next week to taking more Syrian refugees