Syrian refugees at Zaatari angry with US/Obama because no military strike on the way

No military strike means he doesn’t deserve peace prize (Huh?). We have written about the huge Syrian refugee camp in Jordan, Zaatari, on several previous occasions (see especially this post about how the Syrians are described as “difficult” refugees).  Now, thanks again to our research arm—pungentpeppers—here are two stories about how the Syrians are angry … Continue reading Syrian refugees at Zaatari angry with US/Obama because no military strike on the way

Brazil taking Syrian refugees; large Syrian community there

This is just for your information, it was news to me and assume it might be to you as well. From UNHCR posted at Reuters: …. instead of seeking shelter in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan or Egypt, which together have taken in 1.89 million Syrians, Nidal [featured refugee in this article—ed] decided to head across … Continue reading Brazil taking Syrian refugees; large Syrian community there

Turkey’s Erdogan “sitting on social bomb” (Syrian refugees!)

Are refugee camps re-supplying Syrian rebels? Unless you’ve been living in a cave this summer, you know that Turkey’s increasingly Islamist supremacist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, incidentally often identified as Obama’s only real friend among world leaders (here he names five friends), is having serious domestic problems stemming from his people, mostly the young, who … Continue reading Turkey’s Erdogan “sitting on social bomb” (Syrian refugees!)

Canada announces it will take 1,300 Syrian refugees (to begin with)

Actually they didn’t say “to begin with,” that was me, because we all know that this is just the beginning with literally millions of Syrians on the move throughout the Middle East. Be sure to read what the director of one of the largest Syrian camps said recently (here)—-most difficult refugees in the world! Apparently … Continue reading Canada announces it will take 1,300 Syrian refugees (to begin with)