Terrible heart-stopping news! US considering taking Syrian refugees

We’ve been suggesting for months (here) that this day would come when the US State Department would start making noises about bringing Syrian refugees to your towns and cities.  But, as recently as a month or so ago a top State Department official told a gathering in Fort Wayne, Indiana that a population (he was … Continue reading Terrible heart-stopping news! US considering taking Syrian refugees

Guterres goes to Turkey: Syrian refugees should be allowed to seek asylum in West

I’ve been mostly ignoring the clamor about the refugees flowing out of Syria because I know what it means.  Our refugee industry will be going into high gear to bring them to the West, and here Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, hints at that. I’m beginning to think these Middle East wars are … Continue reading Guterres goes to Turkey: Syrian refugees should be allowed to seek asylum in West

Australia welcoming Syrian Christian refugees….

….but they don’t want the mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ on Manus and Nauru—the ones the United States is planning to take off their hands***. As we wait for news about who the terror plotters are in Australia—the ones arrested for planning to take down an Australian airliner—I thought this short news item was telling.  How can … Continue reading Australia welcoming Syrian Christian refugees….