Former refugee resettlement worker blows the whistle on refugee program failures; calls for moratorium

In a must-read letter to the US State Department a 25-year veteran of the International Rescue Committee (one of the largest of the top nine federal contractors) calls for a moratorium on refugee resettlement until the ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) and the volags (contractors) get their act together. Consider this long-time Boston resident’s comments … Continue reading Former refugee resettlement worker blows the whistle on refugee program failures; calls for moratorium

Lutherans/Interfaith group: Don’t break our rice bowls!

The first time I heard that phrase I laughed and laughed.  If you don’t know it, it implies that someone wants to maintain their livelihood in a manner to which they are accustomed (and more and more these days that livelihood depends on the government). Here we have the refugee resettlement contractors  ginning up the … Continue reading Lutherans/Interfaith group: Don’t break our rice bowls!

Which of several methods of getting into the US did “refugee” family Tsarnaev use?

Update:  Blogger Federale has more information on the asylum claim here.  Wonder how the aunt fits into all this, looks like the WHOLE family came at some point! Has anyone figured this out yet?  I assumed by now some crackerjack investigative reporter would have unearthed their immigration paperwork—maybe they have.  If you see it, let … Continue reading Which of several methods of getting into the US did “refugee” family Tsarnaev use?

Are Boston terrorists refugees? (updated!) (update! Politico says yes)

Update April 20th:  It is time for a moratorium on Muslim immigration.  Media twisting the truth, here. Update #12:  Radio talk show host Howie Carr was on O’Reilly tonight and pretty clearly described the benefits refugees receive from the US taxpayer. He wondered why the citizens of Massachusetts didn’t get a say about whether they … Continue reading Are Boston terrorists refugees? (updated!) (update! Politico says yes)