Maine: Somalis/others protest welfare rule change proposal

Update January 13th:  More here by Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage mag. Leftist community organizers bused them in to the state capital from Portland and Lewiston, the twin hubs of the Somali/immigrant centers in Maine. The Portland Press Herald story begins with an immigrant success story, a man who made it in Maine having come from … Continue reading Maine: Somalis/others protest welfare rule change proposal

Sweden hastens its demise by opening doors to Syrians

My alerts are full and over-flowing with news about Syrian “refugees.”  They will surely be coming to America* and some local media is already predicting this (fill in the blank) city will soon be seeing them.    Sweden, however, earlier this week made a sweeping promise inviting them, one and all, to their socialist dream nation. … Continue reading Sweden hastens its demise by opening doors to Syrians

Swiss doing DNA tests on “refugees” to determine family relationships

We, in the US, are supposed to be doing this too—DNA testing Somalis and others from certain countries to see if they are really related to the “family” member they are seeking to join.  I doubt we are doing it much. In 2008 the US State Department closed family reunification for years due to the … Continue reading Swiss doing DNA tests on “refugees” to determine family relationships

State Department Refugee Program head honcho made some news last month

50,000 Congolese refugees coming soon; more refugees generally than previous years; and a warmer welcome (more funding) for all, especially more funding for contractors! At about the same time that citizens from across the country were sending in testimony to the US State Department telling them they don’t want tens of thousands of refugees admitted … Continue reading State Department Refugee Program head honcho made some news last month

This should be a banner year for refugee resettlement in America

Iraqis top the list! At the State Department hearing this past Wednesday in Washington, representatives from contractors US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Church World Service and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society all praised the US State Department for the expeditious arrival (so far) of refugees in FY2013. So, just now as I checked the Palestinian … Continue reading This should be a banner year for refugee resettlement in America