Bulgaria: Man mistaken for refugee beaten, in a coma

The human time bomb is ticking in Sofia as we reported yesterday. Bulgaria is being swamped with refugees, mostly Syrians, coming across the border from Turkey and seeing Bulgaria as their gateway to Europe.  Tensions are mounting as locals believe their country is being invaded (most Bulgarians are Eastern Orthodox). From the Sofia Globe (emphasis … Continue reading Bulgaria: Man mistaken for refugee beaten, in a coma

Bulgaria again and an example of a border fence success story (for Greece)!

Update!  What do you know, Bulgaria is building a fence, check it out here. As I scoured my alerts this morning I see there are several about Bulgaria struggling to cope with the Syrian refugee flow coming across their border from Turkey.  Previously I speculated that the flow out of Turkey toward Bulgaria instead of … Continue reading Bulgaria again and an example of a border fence success story (for Greece)!

Bulgarians protest Syrian ‘refugee’ invasion from Turkey at historic Shipka Pass

This is so interesting, I wish I had time to really get into the history of Bulgaria and how it threw off Ottoman (Muslim) rule in the Russo-Turkish war for the liberation of Bulgaria in 1877-78. Are the Turks once again moving in on their Christian neighbors and using Syrian refugees as the invading army? … Continue reading Bulgarians protest Syrian ‘refugee’ invasion from Turkey at historic Shipka Pass

Surprise! Bulgaria finds “threat to national security” in refugee influx

We told you previously (here) that Bulgaria is having a hell of a problem with mostly Syrian ‘asylum seekers’ flooding into the country from Turkey! As Bulgarian citizens have suspected, some of the ‘downtrodden’ are likely Islamic terrorists in refugee clothing. Here is the story at novinite.com (Sofia news agency).  Emphasis below is mine: There … Continue reading Surprise! Bulgaria finds “threat to national security” in refugee influx