Minnesota mainline churches going the way of the Dodo bird!

The Minneapolis Star Tribune has posted one of those head-scratcher stories about the decline in church involvement in Minnesota led by mainstream protestant churches with Catholic churches not far behind. I’m sure you can all give many reasons for why this is happening, but for me, I say a major reason is that Cultural Marxism … Continue reading Minnesota mainline churches going the way of the Dodo bird!

Grover Norquist is at it again! Pushing for more immigration for America, fewer jobs for American workers

The great American tax guru (as a traitor to middle class workers) is busy lobbying again for more cheap labor for his business clients.  In February he goes to Lincoln, Nebraska for a big pow-wow that includes big business interests and representatives of religious and progressive groups. To our many new readers:  Truthfully, I am … Continue reading Grover Norquist is at it again! Pushing for more immigration for America, fewer jobs for American workers