ISIS making millions trafficking ‘refugees’ to Europe from Libya

Obama and his girls (Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power) sure blundered when they joined the pack to bring down Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. I wonder if the media will one day point a finger at this bunch for destabilizing North Africa just as they do now at George W. Bush for bringing down Saddam … Continue reading ISIS making millions trafficking ‘refugees’ to Europe from Libya

Italy says it may take military action in Libya (with UN leadership); wants to stop the boats

Invasion of Europe News….     Fearing that ISIS is only a short boat trip away from Italy and Malta, Malta’s President is cheered by an Italian suggestion that they might join a UN-led “force to battle” in Libya.  I wouldn’t hold my breath!  I think the UN is perfectly O.K. with the on-going ‘Invasion … Continue reading Italy says it may take military action in Libya (with UN leadership); wants to stop the boats

UNHCR warns that Malta is in deep trouble as Libya implodes; RRW: Clinton, Rice, Power at fault

Before I report the latest news from poor Malta, let’s remember exactly where the blame lies for the deterioration of Libya—it falls squarely on the United Nations and Obama’s “humanitarian Vulcans”***—Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power and Susan Rice—as I reported here in 2011 and more recently, here.     (To our US readers, I will get … Continue reading UNHCR warns that Malta is in deep trouble as Libya implodes; RRW: Clinton, Rice, Power at fault