Invasion of Europe news: Pope’s life in danger as 18 arrested in foiled terror plot; believed to have entered Europe as refugees

So just as the Catholic Church is helping to pour tens of thousands of Muslim refugees into US towns and cities, and as the Pope himself welcomed them to Italy in 2013, here, we have news that (surprise!) some “refugees” want to kill the Pope! From Israel National News.  Hat tip: Frank at It’s all … Continue reading Invasion of Europe news: Pope’s life in danger as 18 arrested in foiled terror plot; believed to have entered Europe as refugees

In Invasion of Europe news, huge refugee flow into Europe fueling the rise of the right wing

This story is from the New York Times yesterday and is built around the news that Bulgaria has completed a significant border fence with Turkey in time for the spring flood of Syrians, other Middle Easterners and Africans trying to get to the more ‘welcoming’ and potentially lucrative, for them, western European countries like Germany … Continue reading In Invasion of Europe news, huge refugee flow into Europe fueling the rise of the right wing

As invasion of Europe continues, Swiss village raises taxes to support one large African family

I’m feeling pretty done with Europe, there seems to be no fight left in any of them (if there ever was any fight in the Swiss).  See previous post this morning. Check this out from the Daily Mail (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’): A village of just 1,000 residents in Switzerland has been forced to raise taxes … Continue reading As invasion of Europe continues, Swiss village raises taxes to support one large African family

Invasion of Europe news: Italian Muslim political leader fears for her safety after proposing mosque/cemetery

This is an interesting turnabout, it is usually European political leaders like Geert Wilders who have to live with the constant fear (under guard) that some Islamists will kill them.  Now, if this story is to be believed, Muslims fear a rising tide of “xenophobia” as Europeans feel under siege and fear the coming shariah … Continue reading Invasion of Europe news: Italian Muslim political leader fears for her safety after proposing mosque/cemetery

African migrant invasion of Europe adds new frightening dimension—fear of Ebola

A Chinese news agency is reporting that possibly five of forty Eritreans trying to get into Western Europe through Albania show symptoms of Ebola. From Shanghai Daily: TIRANA, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) — Albanian police Tuesday detained some 40 illegal immigrants from Eritrea, five of whom have symptoms of the deadly Ebola haemorrhagic fever. Local media … Continue reading African migrant invasion of Europe adds new frightening dimension—fear of Ebola