Japanese refugee resettlement program falling apart already

A few years ago, and after much pressure from the United Nations and the international humanitarian cabal, Japan reluctantly agreed to take some refugees.  Seems things aren’t working out so well as the 16 they planned to take this year backed out (Did they hear that the work was hard in Japan?). As the program … Continue reading Japanese refugee resettlement program falling apart already

Japan remains one of the hold-outs to the one-worlder-megalomaniacs’ goals

George Soros and his one-worlders, who are busy trying to eliminate boundaries in their tyrannical drive to make us all one big happy warm and fuzzy world, have a tough nut to crack in Japan where they have been sensibly trying to hold onto their unique culture.  Japan only recently began resettling a small number … Continue reading Japan remains one of the hold-outs to the one-worlder-megalomaniacs’ goals

Japan surrenders, refugees coming, UN overjoyed

Japan, a First World country that has sought to maintain its unique cultural character by resisting becoming a refugee resettlement country, seems to have surrendered under pressure from the One-worlders to open its borders.   Although Japan has been enormously generous to refugees around the globe, apparently that is not enough for the UN., which gleefully now has its … Continue reading Japan surrenders, refugees coming, UN overjoyed

‘Progressives’ badger Japan on the Rohingya issue

Poor Japan, one of the few countries* left in the world that wants to maintain its unique culture and strictly control immigration and its borders, is now constantly under attack by groups supposedly motivated by pure humanitarian concerns.   I say supposed because I believe these are really far left ‘progressives’  and elitists who ultimately seek a borderless … Continue reading ‘Progressives’ badger Japan on the Rohingya issue

Rohingya sued to get into Japan; control-freaks advance agenda

This is a follow-up to my post last night updating our Rohingya Reports category.   B.L. sent this old story that brings two important issues together—Japan’s reluctance to dilute its unique culture and Rohingya Muslims agitating to get into first world countries.  It also allows me to vent again on my theory of what drives all … Continue reading Rohingya sued to get into Japan; control-freaks advance agenda