Germans welcome their invaders, say Europe belongs to everyone!

Invasion of Europe news…..     On World Refugee Day this past Saturday, demonstrators in Berlin and across Europe welcomed the Mediterranean boat people arriving by the tens of thousands from Libya and elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East.  Come on in!  We think all borders should be erased!  Readers, the driving force … Continue reading Germans welcome their invaders, say Europe belongs to everyone!

How much of your tax dollars are the federal refugee resettlement contractors receiving?

I’ve been busy doing research for a couple of upcoming projects/events.  And, so here is some data I want to share with readers.  Be sure to check our ‘where to find information’ category from time to time for the latest facts and figures involving refugees and immigration generally. These are the nine major contractors the … Continue reading How much of your tax dollars are the federal refugee resettlement contractors receiving?

Catholic Bishops and Obama officials pow-wow in Washington; press for funding of “children’s” migration

As I open every post on the USCCB (today and in the future), I will remind readers for the umpteenth time right at the top of the post! that as the largest of nine major federal refugee contractors*** the US CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ migrant program is almost exclusively funded by US taxpayer dollars (Caesar’s … Continue reading Catholic Bishops and Obama officials pow-wow in Washington; press for funding of “children’s” migration

Colorado refugees lobby for more money for ORR as a result of border surge

Update:  Alaska chiming in too—wahhhh! we need money for refugees!  (Hat tip: Joanne) You have to hand it to them, the refugee industry federal contractors*** sure can gin-up a media/lobbying campaign when threatened with the prospect that their funding (through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)) might be slashed. Here is a Denver Post story … Continue reading Colorado refugees lobby for more money for ORR as a result of border surge