Germans welcome their invaders, say Europe belongs to everyone!

Invasion of Europe news…..

Germany Word Refugee Day 2
Thousands of NO Borders activists marched in Berlin on Saturday. Story and photos here:

On World Refugee Day this past Saturday, demonstrators in Berlin and across Europe welcomed the Mediterranean boat people arriving by the tens of thousands from Libya and elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East.  Come on in!  We think all borders should be erased!  Readers, the driving force behind everything we are seeing, including the UN’s pressure on America to take 65,000 Syrians, is the movement to create one big happy (socialist!)  borderless world!

Berlin (AFP) – Some 1,800 people took to the streets of Berlin on Saturday to express their solidarity with migrants seeking refuge in Europe and against austerity measures in debt-ridden Greece, local police told AFP.

In a demonstration held on World Refugee Day by German opposition parties Die Linke (The Left) and Gruenen (The Greens), as well as several other leftist groups, protesters chanted: “No frontiers, no nations, stop deportation!”

“Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here,” cried others.


“We are here to save our Europe, which includes immigrants, refugees and Greece. Europe must belong to everyone, not just to the Germans and the banks,” said Luciano Colletta, a 66-year-old pensioner, who stood along with the other protesters in front of the Colosseum.

Leftist No Borders agitators pressure the UK

Meanwhile pressure continues on the UK which has so far steadfastly said NO to large numbers of Syrian refugees.
I had to laugh when I saw this article with a graphic showing that Germany, Canada and Australia have agreed to take many more Syrians than the Brits (agreed to take is the operative phrase because they haven’t arrived in those countries in those numbers yet!).
Conspicuously absent from the graph, however, is the US which has taken less than 1,000.  I guess the British No Borders crowd and their media lackeys don’t want the average UK citizen to know they are not alone in their reluctance to take in Syrians.

See also Angelina Jolie—the world must be tolerant of refugee influx, here.

For our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ click here.

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