Former Career State Department Employee Says Fraud is Rampant in US Resettlement Program

Recently we reported on the news from Reuters that a massive fraud investigation is underway involving the admission of Iraqi so-called ‘refugees’ to the US. State Department Admits Massive Fraud in Iraqi Refugee Program Now a former State Department officer comes forward with a first hand account of the Iraqi fraud and charges that the … Continue reading Former Career State Department Employee Says Fraud is Rampant in US Resettlement Program

Trump Initiative to Give State and Local Government a Say in Refugee Resettlement was DEAD Before Biden EO

I am willing to blame (almost) everything on the newly installed Biden/Harris Administration, but Trump never had support for his effort to give state and local governments a say in placement of refugees.  Why? First, because the Leftwingers at three federal contracting agencies, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Church World Service and Lutheran Immigration and … Continue reading Trump Initiative to Give State and Local Government a Say in Refugee Resettlement was DEAD Before Biden EO

Republicans Will Make the Case FOR More Refugees for America

That is how the Niskanen Center (a Libertarian think tank that promotes open borders) bills its upcoming policy briefing.  They believe we need the steady supply of cheap labor for big business. And, apparently want to help the Dems increase their voter base! The panel includes the HERITAGE FOUNDATION! (See earlier posts on how the … Continue reading Republicans Will Make the Case FOR More Refugees for America